What a beautiful Thanksgiving Day! The weather was perfect for a 5K turkey trot in the our old neighborhood of Floral Heights in WF. Floral Heights neighborhood is made up of beautiful older homes that have been well maintained over the years by younger generations. They had a little run/walk/ride your bike through the neighborhood on Thanksgiving morning - canned goods were the entry fee and T-shirts were given out. Pretty snazzy! Actually, we did live in that neighborhood years ago, but we lived a few streets over in the smaller homes.

Some of the streets are still the old brick - a bit rough on bicycle riders. Anyway, it was a great way to start Thanksgiving Day and a beautiful morning with my family.

Jesse ran the 5K with her uncles

while Toby and I rode our bikes - circling the runners.

Then we pedaled back to Mom's house across town going by my old high school. After a bit of exercise, I was able to put away an extra amount of turkey and dressing - not to mention the pie.

We had Thanksgiving at my brother's house this year. It all went well. He and his family have a beautiful home. If you read my last year's post on tradition, you know that it is difficult for me to give up my bossy big sister tradition. I worked at it this year. I did pretty good up until the last few minutes before the big dinner when everyone seemed to be lagging. Then the drill sgt/cruise director in me took over. Craig! Get over here and carve up this turkey. Bo, your job is to slice the ham. Debbie, you are making butter out of the whip cream! Stop! Kathy, it's time to take the dressing out of the oven. Toby, you are in charge of the gravy. Let's move it folks. Put the dinner rolls in the oven now! Do you want this dinner on the table? Go! Go! Go! Okay, it is all ready. Say this prayer and be happy and thankful!

Now you can relax and watch some football.
Happy Thanksgiving, Lou!
A belated Happy Thanksgiving, Lou! Glad to see your day was a good one.
Lou, thanks for posting the family pictures, Lou. It looked like a perfect Thanksgiving Day.
Now you can relax and watch some football.
And check yer e-mail on yer smartphone. ;-)
It looks and sounds like ya had a great T-day, Sergeant. Ma'am.
Thanks, Becky, BR, and Sharon - I hope you all had great Thanksgivings too.
Buck, I didn't notice the phones. Makes you want to say "really!"
Lou, I guess you already know this. But, I'll say it anyway.
You are a blessed woman.
Thanks for sharing the day with us. Really, thanks.
I am blessed. It is amazing.
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