We've been dog sitting for Lindz and Shay this past week. Their dogs are very well behaved, but it has been a bit of a dog circus around here lately - with Lindz' Schnauzer and my red heeler vying for clown position. My Great Dane and Lindz' chocolate lab are both sweethearts, but they do not like each other very well - I think it is a "big dog" thang. It took a couple of days for me to relax and not worry about Lindz' dogs running off or being eaten by coyotes, but they are staying close to the house now. At night, I let them in to sleep in the laundry room where I put a couple of chairs in the doorway to keep them out of the living room. I don't mind them in the living room, but it goes back to that circus thang. My spoiled Rat Terrier really does not like sharing my attention. Chaco the cat has been tormenting the Schnauzer, who is still just a pup. Frankie the big cat has had to put the Schnauzer in his place a few times. Does a Schnauzer ever really know his place?
Yesterday morning when I sat down with my first cup of coffee, I told Toby that I smelled a skunk. He said that he smelled nothing. Unbeknownst to me, he put Lindz' dogs outside. I was wondering why the dogs were being so quiet - where they still sleeping? Then I realized they had been outside for quite a while. For whatever reason, this really made me mad. I didn't say anything to Toby, but I was thinking, "Great! Now they will probably come in smelling like skunks. I can't leave them outside while I go to town, because I will worry about them. Dang! What was Toby thinking?" Truly, I was trying to work through my anger - what did I really expect Toby to do with the dogs? I guess I didn't realize that I was wearing my thoughts on my sleeve, when Toby asked me if I was mad at him. Well, yeah, I guess I am. Maybe it was my Mrs. Potato Head Angry Eyes that gave away my thoughts.

I need to work on hiding my feelings better.
And yes, the Schnauzer does smell a little skunky.
One of the thangs that occurred to me early on about my move was "Hey! I can get a dog now!" Well, no... my lease has a "no pets" clause. Doesn't that suck?
Mebbe I should have bought. Wait. No, not even. I'm too lazy to own a house now. Too decrepit, too.
Angry eyes? Heh. Been there...
When my Australian Shepherd was still alive and I lived on the farm, I hosted my mother's Golden Retriever for 10 days so I know of what you speak. I no sooner got her straightened out than she came back and undid everything that I had taught her. She was definitely a little unbroke.
Ah, yes, a house full of dogs is always fun!
Maybe later the policy on dogs at the apt. will change. I love my dogs, but they can tie you down. One of the reasons I agreed to dog sit for Lindz is because I know I might need the favor returned someday.
Golden Retrievers are such cool dogs! My next dog will be some sort of Australian Shepard or other cow dog.
I know you know what I'm talkin' about :)
When you learn to control your angry eyes, I want the secret! :)
Jo, I was hoping you could teach me to control my angry eyes.
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