Lest you think all I do is sit around eating bon-bons, I thought I'd share some happenings around the Lazy
Yesterday I spent the day cleaning house and re-covering chairs. You may remember the chair I re-covered a month or so ago. Well, the material was flawed, and it came apart after just a few days. It was pretty disappointing, but there was nothing to do but start over with better material. Toby and Jesse helped me pick out a blue faux leather (why does that sound so much better than fake leather?) material. Since we were having company over to eat last night and watch OKC vs. MIA game, I decided to get the chairs covered. I did not quite get them finished, but they were good enough to sit on for the game. We moved all the chairs into the old part of the house where the TV is located - now known as the den.
You can see the blue chairs are the newly reupholstered chairs. You can also see the similar brown chair that is yet to be covered - kind of the before and after shots. I will consider this part of my Summer Art, since it took lots of time and creativity. Our guests last night included the usual pair, Lindz and Shay and Janice, but it also included Lindz' little sister, Reagan and her husband, whom I have not seen in years, and another young couple, Jerm and Rebekah. After a fajita dinner, we retired to the den and sat in the new chairs to watch the Thunder get beat - the only downside to the evening.
The GGs have been taking ASL sign class this past year. Friday night, they had a "silent supper" which I attended with them. Here is the GGs and the Piper's daughter - better known as the Prosecutor. Everyone did great on their signing, but it was a mental workout for me. ASL takes lots of concentration, as learning any language does, and lots of visual focus. Then there was the usual butting heads with GBN2. When her mother asked her if she had been fighting with Booboo, GBN2 replied, "She started it." I don't think I started it exactly, but I dang sure will fight if I have to.
Zoe has been doing well so far this week.
I like that blue on yer chairs... they look GOOD. And that's a great pic of the GGs. Good lookin' kids, all of 'em.
Everything sounds better in French.
Thanks, Buck. I'm getting closer to gettin'er done.
French sounds nice - like someone with marbles in their mouth.
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