A month or so ago, I was keeping the GGs here at the Lazy B with plans to go swimming with other kids from our church. My DIL always sends several changes of clothes when the GGs are at the Lazy B, because they tend to get paint on their clothes or get very dirty playing outside. This time she also included swim suits in their backpacks for the swimming event. But it rained that day, and the swim party was canceled. That did not stop GBN2 from putting on her swim suit early on during the day. Actually, she changed clothes several times that day, because she is a girl and that is what they do. I kept the GGs busy inside the house with a movie, painting, coloring, kittens, etc, and by afternoon they were able to go outside and play in the dirt pile and chase chickens. They were some dirty birdies - not the chickens - the GGs. They were having a big time here at the Lazy B. At some point during the afternoon, GBN2 realized that she was not going swimming. Probably because she was worn out and disappointed, she through a big fit. With arms flailing and voice whining, she said, "But I did not get to go swimming!" I calmly explained that it had been raining and that she had done all sorts of other fun things - why was she just now upset. She wailed, "I was distwacted!"
It was difficult to keep a straight face, but I managed. Then I filled up the bathtub and let the GGs swim. They were thrilled with their swim in the tub and were distwacted from my ulterior motives of getting them clean before sending them home.
"Distwacted" has become my word (as has "puhfect" and "seeweeous"). It seems that I am of an age where the mind does not work as well as it use too. On Sunday I had been in and out of the bathroom several times getting ready for church. I even had the bathroom to my self with Jesse off traveling and Toby riding his bike early in the morning. Still, I managed to get to church without putting on my make-up. I told Toby, "I must have been distwacted." which happens lots these days. I start to do something around the house, and it never gets done. I'm seeweeous! Life is not so puhfect.
GBN2 starts speech therapy this week. It kind of makes me sad.
Weekend Report:

On Friday, I went to OKC with the GGs and DIL. We had lunch with Jesse. Jesse left for Florida that afternoon - off on another travelin' adventure with her friends. She sent a photo via her new phone of the ocean view from their condo in Destin. I texted back, "Sunburned?" She answered, "How did you know?"
Heh. Cute!
Jesse's in Destin, eh? I used to go trolling for rich ol' ladies... err, I mean wimmen in my age cohort... when I house-sat a friend's house for a couple o' months. Their house was in Fort Walton Beach, which is the next town west o' Destin. I liked Destin a lot, even though my trolling was largely unsuccessful.
Hmm, maybe Jesse will find herself a rich young man...
The older I get, the easier I seem to become distwacted. Don't know whether to blame ADD or Alzheimer's.
...or a rich old man! Alas, I've been looking for a millionaire bride for over 30 years, so I guess I'll have to start hanging around trailer parks now for a nice dinner instead...
I am sad about speech therapy as well. Even though it is for the best in the long run, I am going to miss hearing GG 2's reports in her current voice.
The latest report being, "My mom's pwegnant."
I think it might be ADD or some form there of.
I guess there are not too many millionaire brides out there, but you should be able to find one that can cook well.
Uh Oh, I seem to recall a recent post where she took great pride in being the baby of the family :-)
You are so right. It could be trouble, but I'm of a mind that GBN2 NEEDS a baby brother or sister.
GBN2 is actually the one who I heard the report from! "The baby is the size of uh apple."
I was like, "Umm, who's baby?" My sister just looked at me until it clicked. :)
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