Sometimes I go for long periods of time without my phone ringing or texting. Sometimes not. Yesterday was a not. I went to paint with my friend, Barb, and hear about her recent trip to Washington state where she took a watercolor workshop. After we chatted up the morning, we settled down to paint. My phone started ringing off the table (funny that you don't say "off the wall" anymore). First I got a text from my cousin, Barbara Lou, asking me if I wanted flight insurance for our flight to Paris next March. Decisions! Then we had to call so we could talk about it. Then we had to giggle 'cause we are just so dang excited about our trip. Then we giggled 'cause we have the same giggle. Finally we made a decision. Not five minutes after we hung up (do we "hang up" anymore?) my other cousin, Judy Faye, texted. Wow, I rarely hear from her other than FB. She is in Red River for the "
Hot Chili Days and Cool Mountain Nights" music festival and chili cook-off, and she asked me to join her since she had an extra bedroom. That sounded great, but chances are I'm not going to get away this weekend - especially since I just committed big bucks to fly to Paris with my other cousin. Still, it was nice of her to think of me. Then not five minutes after Judy's text, I got a call from an old friend in Red River asking me what the name of Jack and Edna's cafe was (back in the day). I had his answer immediately. We chatted a few minutes. I had seen him in RR while we were up there a few weeks ago, but it was nice to chat while he was sober (yes, my eyebrow is up and I'm being snide). So there you have it; three phone calls in about fifteen minutes from people I rarely get calls from. I do expect to be chatting with Barbara Lou (she loves it when I use her middle name) lots over the next few months as we plan our trip to France.

Here is the painting that I painted with Barb. We chose something simple, since she had been to a rather anal watercolor workshop. By that, I mean that the technique taught at the workshop was very detailed, in depth, and time consuming. It was an amazing glazing technique with lots drawing, lots of masking and small brush stuff on huge paper, and lots of layers. Not my cup of tea, but good info! We just needed some "brush time" and relaxing. We did do a glazed background before painting in the dark and details. Simple stuff.

Here is both our paintings so you can see our differences in style. I did not take pictures of my pottery, although I did do some trimming yesterday.
Update on Neighbor's lights: our neighbor did do something (new bulb maybe) to lesson the light on his barn. I do hope his horses can see their way into the barn now (snide again - yikes).
You and Barb are both quite good at what you do. But ya knew that.
In re: Paris. I'd be excited, too. I got excited about the trip EVERY time I went, even when it was just a spur-of-the-moment weekend getaway. That was one of the beautiful thangs about living in London: Paris was merely hours away. I had great company back then, too. ;-)
Barb whines that she does not have lot of art training - not a real artist. But what does that mean? Anyone who produces art like she does, is an artist.
Three things I completely failed in, was art, choir, and music. It was decided I had the wrong brain for that, so the military got me instead...
If it's a hot day in Paris, you might think about descending below ground and looking at millions of bones from dead Parisians. They had to empty the graveyards, because the graveyard gravy was getting into the water supply (so I was told).
It's a long (cool) walk through the salt mine, and great photo opportunity!
What was it about yesterday? My phone rang THREE times-- and for me, that is unheard of.
Love both of the paintings. I'd be excited about a trip to Paris, too. I haven't had a vacation in so long, I'd be excited about a trip to Memphis at this point.
That is interesting. I hadn't thought about the catacombs.
I would love a little vacation right now too - some place cooler.
I made a longer post but my browser blew-up (lucky you). Anyway a photo friend told me about hop-on hop-off buses in Paris.
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