Me and my puppy have been taking some big dog naps today. Me, because I have a cold and no energy whatsoever. Him, because he is a growing puppy. It came on me last night, so I took some drugs and slept pretty well. This morning after I got Toby off to work, I did not go exercise and texted to cancel tutoring. Then me and the dogs went back to bed. We got up feeling better, but it took too much energy to hold my head up so we went back to bed after lunch. I'm feeling much better after sleep and more drugs. I put on a pot of beans and ham for supper. The puppy took the ham bone away from the old dog and is quite happy with himself. I think we are both gonna make it.
Yesterday I had my "little girls" art class. Several of the girls who promised to come, did not. But I had two eager students, and we had a good time. In my art classes I harp on drawing what you see verses drawing what you think you see. Sometimes our brain gets in the way of our eyes. So I started off class with a little drawing exercise.

I took a cartoon-ish drawing by Picasso, covered it up - only showing 1/2 inch at a time, placed it upside down, and had the girls draw what they saw as I uncovered the cartoon. It is a great exercise for teaching them to rely on their eyes. One of the girls is new this year. She was a happy camper and was willing to try this difficult exercise without complaining. It bodes well for a good art class. It only takes one whiner to spoil the class. When the new girl was finished with her drawing, she noticed that the head she had drawn was a bit small for the body. She just giggled at herself - another good sign.
Since I had art yesterday, I cleaned the house in case mother's came in and wanted to meander. So today, I didn't have anything pressing - house is clean, no where to be, nothing on the agenda, etc. My energy level is still low, so I'm just gonna rest up. It's a bum sorta day.
Dang. It's kinda early for a cold... unlucky you. Take yer meds, get some rest and eat lotsa soup.
You make me think about my personal Fall Classic: Navy Bean soup. It's a lil too early for that, for me. I'll wait until we have our first 50-degree day before I'll light mine off.
Hope you continue to feel better, BTW love the pic of the Dame and little girl with her mouth open . . .
It was rather warm for a pot of beans, but I was hankerin' for 'em. I did lima beans.
I got a kick out of the pic too.
I hope you feel better, too. Colds are no fun, no matter what time of year it is.
Argh!! You caught my cold. I'm just recuperating. I love beans, your ham and beans makes me hungry. Hope you feel better.
I want to take your art class. You do interesting stuff.
When I started feeling sick, I thought, "Dang, Jo gave me her cold through Draw Something."
Thanks, Becky. Feeling better already.
I think it was that longhorn cheese that you thought was velveeta...
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