The temperatures turned quite chilly this weekend. By Friday night, I was sending text messages to Toby telling him to come home from work and light my fire. That got him home quick. That reminds me of a story that I thought I had told in the past on this blog, but could not find it. Maybe I will tell it again later in this post. Anyway, it was definitely snuggle weather this weekend, and Toby did light the fire in the wood-stove. When Jesse came in, she was excited that it was cold and there was a fire going in the stove.
GBN2 had a 9AM soccer game on Saturday with temps in the 30's.

That is GBN2 watching the other team score, and that is my son in the orange, but I cut his head off. They lost big time - again, but it was just as funny this time as it was last game. One little girl held Bo's hand the entire time she was on the field - so cute. The north wind was whippin' over the soccer field. Parents were trying to keep warm as well as keep the girls warm when they came off the field. At one point one of the little girls fell and was not really hurt, but Bo (my son is the coach) sent her off the field and asked for another girl to take her place. All of the subs on the bench just sat under their blanket and looked at him. No one volunteered.

Here is a picture of me an GBN1 snuggled under a blanket watching the game and taking silly pictures.
It is warmer today, but still very fall-ish. I love it. Apples are in season, and I just ate a gala. Earlier, I gutted a pumpkin saving the seeds to roast.

Then I put this purple mum down in my pumpkin - so stylin'! So unlike me. But now and then there is something in the air that just makes me want to be Martha Stewart. I think it is cooler air. Pears are in season - pear pie comin' up! I also cooked a chicken to make tortilla soup for supper. I deserve a reward or as my dad would have said, "You deserve a badge." Then he would have torn out a star from scrap paper and handed it to me.
After doing several searches, I could not find the story I was thinking of earlier in this post. I'm just pretty sure I have told it (Buck will know) but I will tell it again. It has to do with double entendre as my earlier "light my fire" did. Be warned, this story may contain TMI.
My son was in college at OSU at the time, and I was getting ready for my little girls art class. Toby called me on the phone to tell me that we had lots to do when he got home from work and be ready. We needed to catch and move the horses from one pasture to another so that we could move the cattle to the other pasture. We needed to move the tractor over to another pasture while the cattle were in a different pasture - etc. Sometimes he likes to give me fair warning about upcoming work especially if it is ranch-hand work. My day proceeded normally and my art girls came for art. After they had gone home, I got this silly idea and wrote Toby a suggestive email - you know the ones with double meaning. I told him that the girls were gone and he could come home and we could play cowboy. Then I mistakenly sent the email to my son. I got an email back fairly quickly saying simply, "I don't think you meant to send this to me." Being the mother that I am, I laughed and laughed and sent both emails to Toby so that he could laugh too.
I don't recall the e-mail story, but it DID make me laugh! ;-)
We were warmer yesterday and today, too. But we weren't nearly as cold as all y'all got...
Cute pics, Martha.
As I get older, it is difficult to remember just what stories I told to whom.
Heh. I hear THAT.
I could never be a soccer mom in cold weather! Our kids played in South America but it was always good weather! Ha.
The email story is cute. Made me laugh.
Oh, I needed that giggle. Poor Bo.
I have similar story, but it was texting from his mother-in-law. You would love it.
One of the coldest soccer games I have ever been to was when Bo was little. We lived in McAllen and had won the Valley championship. The weather had always been warm. Then we went to Corpus Christie to play in a tournament. It was in Nov and it was freezing. Our poor little guys just stood on the field - they were so cold.
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