First I would like to share some photos of Maximus. We got Max August 25th when he was about five weeks old. Jesse wanted to put him in her purse - he was so tiny.
Last week Barb started working with her husband in his dental office - it was a rough week. By Friday she was needing to paint and laugh. We decided to do some experimenting. Barb reads all sorts of art books. I don't, but her ideas can be interesting. I have a post of its own concerning her later. But here is what we painted on Friday. We used only primary colors - red, blue, and yellow - although we did use two different blues, two reds, and two yellows. Any mixing of colors was done directly on the painting. Barb had a photo of a river/mountain scene. It was quite green, which is not my favorite to paint, but I gave it a try. We did an under-painting (glaze). Then re-wet the paper and painted wet on wet.
We got some much needed rain this past week - the kind that falls all day long - slowly. It cooled things down and has been so very nice.
Yesterday I took my tutoree to OKC to the History Center. It was Homeschool Day with free entry and activities. We met up with some other homeschoolers from our church and had a big day. The weather was perfect with blue skies, lots of sunshine, and temps right at 80. I took my tutoree and another teen around the museum expounding what little knowledge I have - while the younger kids stayed with their mom's. I don't really like doing herds, so this was a good arrangement. The other homeschoolers had brought lunch and had a nice picnic outside under the trees. I don't think like that. I think like I'm in The City and I want to go out to have a nice lunch. My tutoree thinks like I do. So we left the others and went for a big lunch and a bit of shopping before we headed home. Just before I dropped my tutoree at her house, she said, "I told Jordan, 'Don't I have the coolest teacher!' " That kind of talk will get her most anything she wants. I love you, too, Kate.
The weather was perfect with blue skies, lots of sunshine, and temps right at 80.
This was my favorite time o' year when I lived in OKC... and I spent many an hour in the swing under the big oak tree just "being" and enjoying the break from the heat. That swing was big enough to fit three people and pretty roomy for just two. Good memories, that.
Max looks like he's gonna be a monster.
Fall is a lovely time here in OK. I do miss NM color in the fall, but it was such a short season.
Max will not be as tall as Zoe, but he is thick already. Good food and good care!
Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the break from the heat.
Yep, there is just something about cooling off after being so hot.
As a fellow dog lover, I enjoyed seeing the Max photos--he is growing amazingly already! Your painting experiment feels soft and atmospheric; I think you can count it as a success, BB.
Thanks Mary. The painting was fun. "Soft and atmospheric" describes it pretty well.
Wow, your puppy is getting big! Rawwwr. . .
Yep, I let his collar out again this week. Next week we will need a new collar.
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