On Thursday I picked up GBN1, drove to WF and picked up Mom, and then we all drove to Chillicothe, TX, to see Great Aunt Mildred. Aunt M is 90 and quite spry. She had an old iron kettle that had belonged to her mother (my great-grandmother) and had been used to wash the laundry back in the day.

Apparently Uncle Jack had welded an old tractor tire-rim to a regular tire-rim to create a hangin' thang for the kettle. My mom said that Great Grandma had promised the kettle to her. It has been sitting in Aunt M's back yard for years now (on loan from my mom), but Mom wanted it back - for me. And so, I dragged the sucker across Aunt M's back yard to where my 80 year-old mom and I lifted into the truck. Upon lifting it, Mom squealed, "I just peed in my pants!" GBN1 thought the whole thang very funny. When we got home and Toby helped me unload the kettle, I'm sure he was in awe of Mom and me. I think I will put flowers in it - any other suggestions?

Speaking of flowers, Martha Stewart I'm not - obviously. When I fixed my pumpkin/mum thang last week, I thought that I would put dirt in the pumpkin and set the mums down in the pumpkin. On a second thought, I decided I could just put the whole pot in the pumpkin, but I left the dirt in the pumpkin so that it would not blow over. Hmm, bad idea! The dirt turned to mud and melted my pumpkin. It makes me laugh. I may leave it for a while.
Last week I was asked by a friend to "make a sign" that said "covenant blessings" for a celebration of another friend's 15th wedding anniversary. I had a couple of thoughts on how to do it: the first one was to do a cornucopia in pastels, which is easy-peasy for me. Second thought was to do a watercolor.

I did the pastel first, and it was okay. But then I had a hankerin' to try the watercolor.

The problem came when I had to think about putting "covenant blessings" sign on my paintings. It took me some thought, but here is how it turned out.

Yes, there is a terrible glare due to the glass, and you can see me taking the photo - kind of funny, though. For a sign on the watercolor, I just printed out Covenant Blessings in fancy script, cut it out prettily and stuck it on the mat-board. It's all good.
Sunday we finished painting my cubbyhole shelves and put them in the house. Then we had to rearrange the living room. It turned out well, but I was one tired puppy by the end of the week-end. Speaking of tired puppy.

Here is Max.
Your weekend recaps always make me tired. I don't have any ideers for the pot-in-the-tractor-rim, but I DO like yer melted pumpkin... AND yer Covenant Blessings art. Nice job.
Great post and like Buck, you make me tired. I love the pot with flowers. I was thinking to put a pumpkin out this year. I think I will leave it empty, heh. We are in a neighborhood with a few kids so may actually get trick or treaters for the first time since we have lived in Bastrop. We didn't even get any in the RV Park last year.
The Covenant Blessings is just beautiful. I like the landscape/trees, too.
Max is precious. We will keep the grand-dogs on Saturday. Jennie is going to the Aggie/LSU game. (Hook 'em Horns! I have to put in a plug for the Longhorns that are doing soooo poorly, sigh....)
I think you should paste an appropriate ghoul face on the melted pumpkin! Like both of your paintings, but as far as the pot on a rim - can't help you there - just not my thang!
I meant to say "paint" and appropriate ghoul face. I would have to paste but you can paint. :)
Don't worry 'bout me, I always find time for a nap. As for the pumpkin, maybe I should order some pink flamingos and call it good.
I hope you have better luck with your pumpkin - this would have worked better if I had not put dirt in the pumpkin.
Have fun with the grand-dogs. Gig 'em Aggies!
Barbara, I had thought about painting on the pumpkin. Now I should probably start over with a new pumpkin. This one is a bit stinky now.
Some puppy you got there. He looks normal sized!!!
Max is growing fast, but he has a ways to go. I doubt he will be as tall as my Zoe, my last Dane, but he seems to be heavier set. Maximus is as big as my Red Heeler and has passed my Rat Terrier, but he is still and uncoordinated puppy.
Wow, you sure were busy. I'd be tired, too. I love the watercolor of the couple walking down the road.
My first thought for the pot was the same as yours-- turn it into a planter. I wanted to put out some fall decorations, pumpkins and mums, but I don't think the dogs would leave them alone.
The new puppy thinks that the plants are lots of fun. It reminds me of when Zoe was a puppy and I planted pine trees in the front yard. The trees were not very big. I planted them about six feet apart. When I turned around to see how they all looked, the were gone. Zoe had dug them up. I had to replant. Eventually she ate all but two of them.
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