Monday, January 13, 2014

First Part of January

When I went to exercise with my neighbor on Friday, she had a new puppy. It apparently turned up at their house - lost or dropped off. He is obviously a Dane, but maybe has some mix of something else. I took him home with me. So far, he is a good puppy. Well, he did poop in Jesse's room twice. She only stepped in it once. They are not off to a good start or should I say she got off on the wrong foot with him? I had just taken him out and he had done his business, but then he came back in the house and pooped in her room. Go figure.  Really, he is a smart pup.

My mom came through her cataract surgery well and is healing up nicely.  I spent several days in WF with her. Now, Jesse is back in WF with her, which is good. Mom's short term memory is lousy. It is good for her to have a roommate. Actually it just makes me feel better.

Toby and I did our part in this year's youth banquet. It was a lot - a skit with songs. Not exactly my cup of tea. Well, maybe I am a bit of a ham. Jesse videoed it, so maybe I will post videos soon. Living where internet is slow at best, it may take me a while to post videos.

Now I am ready to get down to some art. I have my little art girls on Tue, teach a class on Wed,  and will meet with the Painted Ladies on Friday. That should get me going. First, I have to clean house. Dang it.

Here is a photo that Jesse took of the new puppy.  She posted it on her blog too.


Ex Bootneck said...

Lou, I propose three names...

Mr. Wilson... (or just plain Wilson).

Mr. Smith... (or just plain Smith)

Or 'Winter' for the most obvious reason?

Yours Aye...

Bag Blog said...

EB, I like those names, but the cat's name is Wilson. Jesse's best friend had a dog named Mr. Smith. I'm not sure about Winter. We are leaning toward Juba - the gladiator friend of Maximus. I like Joey - which is the name of a painted faced clown. This dog is a clown.

Stefan said...

I like Joey. Joey Brown was the first of my childhood friends to go to jail. Well, for only 10 days, but I think he liked it, as he tended to live there often. I never went to jail, but I was "assigned" by the juvenile judge to a farmer in Washington State for three months, in which he worked us until we puked or the sun went down. Joey arrived about two weeks after me, and escaped two days later. I kind of liked the farm, but I really liked his wife, who could make even water taste good. Some girls just know how to cook, and I still have good memories of that farm.

Anyway, I think pooping in someones room rates a Joey!

Bag Blog said...

I kind of like Joey too, but we will see how everyone else likes it. I

Until I moved to OK, I had never known anyone who had spent time in jail (other than a night for drinking as teenagers) Here in OK, everyone has a relative who is or has been in the Pen. Back in NM, I had a friend whose husband had been sent to a work place in TX as a teenager. Although he was an alcoholic, he had a great work ethic.

Stefan said...

In case you need some winter humour, I was dating a girl (last century) and she introduced me to her sister, a few weeks later I saw her sister again, and she said "Oh hello Yukki". What?? She was kind of embarrassed, and said "I mean Stefan". I didn't think anything of it, but then I overheard my new girlfriend talking on the phone to her sister, and again, she said the word "Yukki" so I got a little jealous. Who is this Yukki? She finally admitted that she and her sister called me Yukki, after their pet dog they had as kids. It seems the dog followed them home from school one day, and they adopted it. So, anyway I was now just a stray dog! Well, I think Yukki didn't die, I think he ran away again, because those sisters were too crazy, ha.

Bag Blog said...

Stefan, I like that story. Years ago there was a young man named Bradford who was hanging around our house under the guise of visiting my son, but it was really my daughter he liked. About that time a stray dog showed up at the house. My daughter called the dog Bradford - saying, "He won't go home either."