While in Paris last year I took a photo of this street violinist or busker in the Montmartre area. Off and on, I've been working on a pastel of him. The light was good that morning in Paris. The man was happy - especially when I dropped money into his cup. Years ago when we were in Rome, I took a photo of a violinist just outside the Vatican. He, too, was very happy to pose for a bit of money in his cup. This is painting I did of the Rome Violinist years ago. It was one of those paintings that I whipped out, enjoying every minute of it. I posted this painting to my Fine Art America site and had to do some finagling to post it here . I really need to update that site or something. The Paris Violinist has been a bit more of a problem for me; it has not come together so easily. I wanted to post it, because it seems that I can see more of what needs to be done when I post my paintings.
It has been cold and windy here in OK until today. Finally we get a nice day. Hopefully tomorrow will be nice too, because I think Sunday we are in for another round of winter weather. Bleah!
These are both soooooo fine. You do amazing portraits!
Enjoy the nice weekend. We about froze Tuesday night at baseball. Was supposed to be 70 degrees and it was 51 or so at the end and windy. Brrrr. Looks like you might get ice. Not supposed to get this far south, fingers crossed.
Thanks Jo. I always appreciate your thoughts on my art.
I'm hoping we don't get the ice tampoco!
Lou, those paintings are great. You definitely have a gift, but I know you work hard at it also. Been meaning to talk with you for some time now about possibly doing a painting of RR for me. I'm willing to pay top dollar mind you, and don't have any problem with that. But I've always wanted a painting from you to place in our house and have talked with Susie about it. Since you're part of my RR family, we thought it would be pretty cool to have some location painted by you of someplace that would forever give me memories of my 2nd home. Like the jeep office, the Lode or some other place. I have around 10 paintings of Kenneth Wyatt which I dearly love. One from you would be special though. In any event, it's just something we've been thinking about, and I'll talk with you later on it. If you agree, it doesn't matter on the time. A year from now is fine, whenever you get a chance. But I do want for you to be honest with me and let me pay you what you would charge someone walking in from the street to buy some of your art. Hope you and the family are doing well. BTW...did Tish move back to Austin from Germany?
You know I will paint for you anytime.
Yes, Tish is divorced and back in Austin.
Thanks Lou. I'll go through some old pics of RR sometime soon. Don't know what I'll come up with. That's what I heard with Tish. I get her on FB and also have her newsletter sent to me, but wanted to verify. Stay warm today!
You are so very talented.
Thanks, Moogie.
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