It is pottery season. I posted on Facebook a picture of my ""first throw of the season." One of my old high school buddies commented, "It is seasonal?" Well, yes it is for me. But we are working on that by getting this man cave/pottery room done. In the meantime, it was good to throw some pots.
The weather got warm this week, hence the pottery season. But it was overcast several mornings. Then yesterday the wind blew from the north and got a bit colder. I kind of like it when the temperatures are in the 60 to 70s. I am a mountain girl at heart. One day it got up in the 80s. It made me dread the heat that is to come. The mowing season has started, too, which is not my favorite. Toby is outside right now working on plowing up the garden. We probably should have already had it in, but it has been too wet. Aieee! This OK soil is goopy when wet.
Earlier this week I typed quite a bit on my feelings about the coronavirus and social distancing. Then I deleted it all. It is difficult to put into words my exact feelings. So I'm going to try to keep this short. Staying home is not really a problem. I don't have fear of a virus. I seem to be more upset by our government and the media. I don't think in terms of conspiracy theories. I do think there is way too much mis-information coming from everywhere - the people, the media, the government. Are they lying to us? Probably not intentionally. I think there is mass hysteria - it seems to be politically correct to fear and worry and hide away and turn your neighbors in if they don't cooperate. I don't want people to die. I do think we have gone over and beyond. I hate this season of fear.
I need to throw more pots. It is very Zen for me.
Tomorrow is Toby's mom's 90 birthday.
I’m feeling your pain. Seems like to me if we keep isolating and cleaning that soon we won’t have antibodies to anything. We never got sick in South America, we were careful, but we ate almost anywhere. We grew up drinking with the cows and horses and I think that helped us to have strong constitutions. Now everyone has allergies and get sick so easy. Anyway, there I go off track.
Seems like people take the word of the media instead of the experts. One of the TX representatives said the other day that he is old and hopes that we can keep the country going to help his grandkids. Then they asked him if it is a good idea to raise taxes after the virus and he said that was the worst thing we could do. So now they say he is advocating opening businesses, etc., and doesn’t care about the deaths. Geez.
Pottery season sounds nice. I’ll go to Facebook and look. I need to have open season on painting. Ha.
An old Air Force buddy wrote me from NYC. He says he's going to be doing pretty good.
He says the old people in his rental apartments are all dying off with the virus. With price controls he could never raise their rent. Now he's got 100 apartments that he can rent at current prices.
He told the old people to stop paying rent. Figuring they will probably die anyway, and they need the money right now to pay for their cremation.
Also, that he goes through 30 gallons of desanitizer every day cleaning the elevators, guide rails, and doors.
Sure glad I don't live in a big city!
My friend thinks it's a conspiracy to kill off the baby boomers. Right now, the baby boomers are dropping like flies, and the hippie children can now move in from the homeless shelters and curb-side accommodations using their government drug-rehab checks.
It is all such a mess right now. I'm just ready for it to be over and life gets back to normal. I certainly don't know who to believe anymore, but the media is not trustable for sure.
It is good to be out in the country where I can get outside and not get in trouble. It is good to be in OK where it is not as crazy as large cities like NY. My conspiracy theory is that it is a power grab by the government or possibly a war on our economics by China.
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