Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Twice Is Not a Charm

Yesterday I had a list of errands to run in town.  My plan was to go to Walmart first and be there when few people were there. I'm thinking this may be the way to do Walmart from now on. I love the empty aisles and empty parking lot and the cool temperatures.  I got there around 7:30 AM, which is a little late, actually, but not bad.  I wore my mask - not because I am afraid I will get the virus or that I will give it to someone. I wore the mask to encourage other people to wear masks. From what I've understood, wearing masks does not keep me from getting the virus, but it keeps from giving the virus to others. While I know that I don't have the virus and therefore cannot give what I don't have, it is important for people to be safe and concern themselves with other's safety. So, I wore the mask everywhere I went inside, and I sanitized my hands every time I came out of a building. I was amazed at how many people were not wearing masks. I think that is there right to do that, but if this virus takes off again, we could get locked down again. Being safe is not a bad thing.

 From there I went to get my three water jugs filled. We have several 4 and 5 gallon jugs that we fill every couple of weeks in town for 25 cents a gallon. It is a real pain in the ... but I do it anyway. I took three dollars worth of quarters to get my three jugs full, but the water dispenser ate my first dollar worth of quarters and did not give me any water. I had to go to a different dispenser to get two of the jugs filled, but I had no change for the last jug. Sigh.

Next I went to the foot doctor. There really isn't much he can do for my plantar fasciitis. I'm not willing to do therapy or get a shot. He did sell me some special lotion for the pain. Since the doctor is in the vicinity of the Grandkids, I headed over there to drop off some stuff that they left at my house. I think this leaving stuff at my house was a ploy to get me to come by their house.

I still had lots to do and time to kill before my 12 PM CTAC meeting. Toby wanted me to get some things at Tractor Supply. I got a few things, but they did not have everything, so I had to go to the other farm store. And yes, I wore my mask.

Then I stopped at the bank to cash a check that my DIL had written to me for buying her groceries last week. Since I had money now, I thought I'd stop by McDonalds and get a sausage-egg biscuit. I do like them from time to time for breakfast. While I was sitting in the parking lot eating my breakfast, Robin Egg texted that she needed something at Walmart. Robin lives in a different time zone than me. She does not do early mornings and did not realize I had already been to Walmart. I didn't really want to go back into Walmart, but McDonalds is in the same parking lot. Sigh. I went back in and got her stuff. I still had lots of time Before the CTAC meeting.

After the bank and McDonaldsI had some money and some change. I dug through my purse to come up with enough quarters to fill my last jug. I managed to find 4 quarters, and I also found another check - one from my DIL. Hmm, what was the check I just cashed?? Oh well. I got more water and went back to the bank.

It was at this point that I realized that I had done everything on my list - TWICE. How crazy was that? I still had time to get to my CTAC meeting, which went well. Through out the day I wore my mask, but when I got to my meeting, I could not find it. I had to wear my lawn-mowing mask. Actually, the nurse that is on the CTAC board said we did not have to wear our masks since we were all sitting 6 feet from each other. But one lady insisted. Oh well, I didn't really mind.  Later I found my nice mask in a Walmart bag.

One more crazy thing: I put a pizza in the oven for supper, but had trouble getting it off the pizza stone. While holding the pizza paddle in my left hand and using a big knife in my right hand, I tried to use the knife to push the pizza onto the paddle. I managed to touch my knife hand on the side of the oven and burn my hand, which caused me to jump and jerk my hand, hitting my left hand with the knife - on my thumb bone. I don't know what was worse, the cut or the pain from whacking myself with the knife. It didn't bleed much. Toby doctored me up. We ate pizza. I felt stupid. Later I called my sister and we laughed and laughed.


Jo Castillo said...

I’m laughing. Thank you. Gene says we are definitely related!

Bag Blog said...

Sisters for sure!