Monday, May 25, 2020

Arts Explostion

Every third week in July CTAC puts on what they call Arts Explosion, which is like an art camp for younger kids. Instead of vacation Bible school think vacation art school. I have helped with one of these several years ago, but the last two summers, I attended the Wild Rivers Paint Out in New Mexico with my friend Jo. I have loved the paint out with Jo, being in the mountains, art, meeting new friends, but I was not planning on the paint out this summer. And they are not having it, so it worked out great. That means that I am free to help with the Arts Explosion this summer. Since I am on the board for the arts council, it is a good thing to help out when I can.

Last week the committee that puts on the Arts Explosion met to decide what to do: to have or not to have it.  Here in OK, the governor has declared June 1 as major reopening of business. Although people want to get back to normal, there is still lots of fear out there when it comes to getting together with others.  At the meeting there was lots of discussion on what others are doing - most every summer camp has been canceled. They read off a list of events that are not happening this summer. We also discussed having the AE on a smaller scale, fewer students, fewer classes. We discussed how we could do social distancing, cleaning art stations after each class moves on to the next class, etc. Then we all voiced our opinion. When they got to me, I surprised myself with my opinion: Everyone wants things to resume, but no one is willing to step out and resume. We all seem to be waiting on someone else to break out. Someone has to do it. Why not us?

I think the thing that sent me over the edge on this whole Pandamn-ic, as a friend called it, is the daycares. I had not realized that they stayed open throughout this whole thing. I passed by a daycare with lots of kids outside playing on the playground equipment as if all were normal. What?! Public schools were closed, but daycare is open! Churches were closed, Mom and Pop stores were closed, but Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, and grocery stores stayed open!  Sick people can't go to the hospital, because sick people are there? People died alone, because hospitals would not allow a loved one inside!  None of that makes any sense.  Now we are shamed (or worse) if we don't wear a mask. I'm done. Stick a fork in me.

Of course there was more discussion on enrollment, expenditures, contracts, art teachers, etc. But pretty much we decided to continue on as if we were having the AE. If something drastic happens like a new out-break of the Covid-19 virus, well, we'll deal with things at that point. If enrollment is down due to people not wanting to participate with others, well, that will be fine too.

I'll wash my hands and use hand sanitizer and go to Walmart when it is less crowded. I understand that for some, they may need to continue to stay home and stay safe. There is still some fear in all of us, but I so want things to get normal.


Jo Castillo said...

I agree with you 100%. Wash your hands, don’t touch your face .. haven’t we done this to prevent colds and flu. They talk of all the people that have had the virus but not how many have recovered from the virus. We are going out, trying to be careful but it is a bigger risk getting in the car and driving. Anyway, we are done, too.

Bag Blog said...

My friend nurse friend in RR posted on FB that Taos Holy Cross Hospital had tested 1059 people for Covid-19 and had only one positive - and that was a Texan who had already gone home. Then the very next day she posted that there were 13 cases of Covid-19 in Taos County - as if there had been an exploseion of cases since Memorial Weekend. What? I questioned her on it, but she said she took down the first post since people misunderstood it. Well Yeah! Cause it makes no sense!

Jo Castillo said...

I think they should count the recoveries! Sigh....