Friday, May 29, 2020

Texting Mistakes

After I wrote and posted my last post, I thought, "Gee, for someone who is SO done with Covid-19, you sure do write about it a lot." I started to take down the post, but then it is a sign of the times. It is my thoughts at the time. But let's move on.

Covid does play a small part in this next story, but not a staring role.  I was talking to my sister on the phone, and she was telling me about how many covid cases were in Amarillo. She said it was mostly the Asian refugees that worked at the meat packing plant and all lived in the same neighborhood. I questioned her use of the word "refugees" asking if she actually meant immigrants.  I couldn't think of any thing going on in Asia that would cause refugees to have to come here. She said all she knew was that's what they were called, but didn't know why. She said that the Catholic Relief Services brought in Asian refugees and got them jobs and homes in Amarillo, that she had several refugee children in her school, that they were really good kids, and that they spoke some language called Karen. Interesting huh!

Later I was talking to Toby and telling him about my conversation with my sister. He said there was some sort of "authoritarian ruler" in some little country in Asia causing trouble. At this point, I texted my sister with that information. She texted back something that made no sense whatsoever. So I texted, "Did you bother to proofread that or are you drinking?" She texted back that it was that dang autocorrect, she was not drinking, and she was wearing her reading glasses. We had a good laugh.

Toby continued on his thought process of which Asian country:
He said, "You know, that country were they made the movie from."
Me: The King and I?
Him: No, that WWII movie about the bridge
Me: Bridge at River Kwai?
Him: Yeah! It was where the Flying Tigers were from.
Me: No! They were flew out of North Africa (thinking of the Tuskegee Airmen).
Him: No! Not them. These guys flew out of Burma, I think. It is called something else now.
Me: What were the Tuskegee Airmen called? Didn't they have some name like that?

So I take my phone up after just texting my sister, and I Google "Black Airmen of WWII" but instead of Googling it, I texted it to my sister. She got the text, and texted back "What?" I was laughing too hard to text and had to call her so we could laugh and snort and make fun of each other.

It seems that lately I have several friends with similar stories of texting mistakes. I guess it is part of the gettin' old process.


Jo Castillo said...

Ha, ha. Welcome to the texting world. Joanna calls it auto-corrupt…

Too funny.

Bag Blog said...

My old friend, Alvin Hall who is a junk dealer, posted on FB that he had been texting a good friend an lady co-worker. He asked her "when would they get paid" but he missed the p and hit the L. So he asked her "when they would they get laid?" It is often not autocorrect, but just bad thumbs.

Jo Castillo said...

Yes, we've had some good ones lately. Joanna was writing to Gene about his bike/trike ride and said, "Dad, you're rude." Shudda been "Dad, you're good." Don't know if she hit the wrong keys or was doing it by voice.