Sunday, July 12, 2020

This World Watercolor Month is going well, but maybe keeping me from doing things like, well, blogging. I looked back and it had already been a week since I had posted anything. The good news is that I am really enjoying my watercolor time. I have a pastel that I need to finish, though. I have lots of mugs ready for the kiln, so I can take a break from that. Besides, it is just too hot to be in the barn much, unless it is at the crack of dawn or late in the evening. The watercolor is a nice challenge making me have to think and plan and set down and paint. When my little art student came last Tuesday, she chose to do a watercolor too, although that is not her favorite. She is working on a hollyhock painting, and doing a great job. She is very slow and precise. She is good for me - makes me slow down and do a better job.  After the art battle last summer and fall, I became such a Speedy Gonzalez with my painting. I am enjoying my art student and watercolors.

Here are a few more of my daily watercolors: 
When I posted this little cowboy and horse painting on Facebook, my art student commented that the horse was missing a leg. I went back and looked at the photo. Sure enough, you could only see three legs and only a very little bit of the other back leg. So, I commented back to Alayna, "It only had 3 legs and probably walked with a limp." She said, "I bet!"


Jo Castillo said...

I love it when you show your paintings. These are so nice. The horse is great. Flowers are spectacular. I think I see Red River and New Mexico in the house. I’m smiling here. Made my day!
We had housecleaners and Gene went to get new tires for our trip so I watched things on TV that he doesn’t like. Should have been painting.

Anonymous said...

Nice paintings! I tried to leave a comment on your Bubble Gum Belly post, but it didn't work from my phone. It gave me a good belly laugh!


Bag Blog said...

I have lots of little watercolors thanks to this World Watercolor Month, so I will be showing lots of little paintings. I understand watching TV when Gene is away. I often do things that I want to do when Toby goes off somewhere without me. Usually it is reading.

Your belly laugh made me laugh too. There are some things that work well using my phone, but blogging is not one of them. But I do get my emails easier on my phone and often "okay" a comment from my phone, but then I don't answer the comment, because it is difficult from my phone - I need my computer for that. I'm so techy.