Monday, August 03, 2020

End of the World Watercolor Month

World Watercolor Month is over, and I am glad. Doing a painting a day was not too difficult. The good part about it was that it made me think - to come up with something to paint everyday. I had selected a stack of photos at the beginning of the month to use as reference. I often shuffle through my photos to see what catches my fancy. Some days I find things in a photo that I have looked at a dozen times. Some days I look at a photo that had caught my fancy and think, "What was I thinking of painting?"  By the time the month was nearly over, I was really searching my photos and brain. It is also good to paint every day - as my friend Barb say, "Brush-time is important." People often like my beach scenes, so I did several of those. Then I decided to finish with a portrait. I would love to be a portrait painter. Sigh.
July 30
July 31


Jo Castillo said...

Aww, the portrait is so sweet.
I love your dedication and getting the painting a day done. It is so important to do that. Our reflexes forget what to do and you have to learn all over again if you wait too long. I’m a good example.
All the scenes have been great. The beach today looks warm and welcoming.

Texas and Arizona are PNG from Kentucky so won’t be going for a while. Roger was going from Sierra Vista for a week only. We could quarantine but ……

Bag Blog said...

Thanks. I really did like doing the little watercolors. I hate to ask, but what does PNG mean? I feel like Gene when he didn't know what BRB meant.

Jo Castillo said...

Lou, PNG, Persona non grata . They use that when they kick you out of the country. Too funny.

Bag Blog said...

PNG - I never would have guessed. Tell Gene it would make a good trivia question.

Jo Castillo said...

I'll do that, tell Gene.
Again, I love the portrait. She is such a cutie.