Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Sleeping with Raccoons

 Labor Day Weekend was exhausting. We spent most of the weekend getting ready to have the grandkids over for a campout - Toby's grand idea. We cleaned house, mowed the lawn, bought groceries, etc. We got the Casita out and set it up near the house. The kids and their parents came on Sunday afternoon. They did the usual four-wheeler riding in the pasture and a little hiking. The boys set the tent up and put the air mattresses in the tent. Then we cooked hamburgers on the grill along with corn on the cob and French fries. Then we started the fire pit and did s'mores for dessert. The kids brought out their super-strength binoculars for star gazing. It was all quite pleasant, if you like camping with raccoons. The kids were in and out of the tent, in and out of the camper, all around the fire, flashlights were flashing - it was enough to make a person dizzy. 

It was even more of a circus when we all started getting ready for bed. It was decided that the boys, Toby, and I would sleep in the tent. The GGs would sleep in the camper. The parents would sleep in the house. The dogs would go in and out like the kids did. Toby got in the tent with the boys while I ran around trying to get everyone else in their places and get myself ready for bed. When I got to the tent, Toby had done nothing to get the boys in bed. He left me with them while he went to get ready for bed. Have you ever tried putting raccoons to bed? They were in, on, and under everything in the tent. About the time I got them in their sleeping bags and fairly calmed down, their mom showed up at the tent door - I guess to say good-night. The boys jumped up and were out of their sleeping bags. I used my teacher voice to scare them back into bed. I probably scared their mom too.

Notice the cat on top of the tent. 

Finally all the lights went out (sort of) and we settled down to go to sleep. Immediately it was:

I'm hot. 

I told you not to zip up your bags.

I'm still hot!

Get out of your bag and sleep on top.

I can't sleep.

Try putting your head on the pillow.

Still can't sleep!

Lay down!

Still can't sleep! 

It's only been been 30 seconds!

When we finally got the boys fairly quiet, we could hear the  GGs thumping around in the camper. They banged the door several times. Then they turned on the outside light, which shone directly into our tent. More thumping and banging. When I heard them open the door and could hear them talking, I hollered for them to turn out the light and go to sleep (teacher voice). More thumping and banging. Then it got quiet. The boys went to sleep. The grandparents went to sleep. We all slept until about 6 AM, which is pretty good for raccoons.

When we all gathered for coffee in the house, I asked the GGs what their problem was in going to bed. They said they explored the camper - opening up all the cabinets and such (like raccoons). The dog "got in" and then "wanted out." And then they said they got hot and one of them went in the house to sleep. I wondered how they could have gotten hot with the windows open and the fan going. "Well" they said, "We shut the windows." I need to insert one of those emojis here - the one with the blank look on its face. Why would they shut the windows?? 

So we fed them breakfast - biscuits, waffles, bacon, raccoon food, and sent them home. Then we spent the next several hours putting up the tent, chairs, camper, cleaning house, etc. Then we had a nap. I am still recovering. 

There were lots of funny moments. I am sure I will look back on this weekend with fond memories. JT, the baby raccoon, announced that it was the best sleep-over ever!


Jo Castillo said...

Awwww, I love looking back at what the kids did and the fun we had. Sounds like the perfect sleep over to me as well. Great memories.

We had our adult kids over, not nearly as exciting, but we had a great day on Saturday.

Bag Blog said...

It was wild times, for sure, but you are right - good memories.