Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Feel Good Fall

It's really fall. The weather has been cooler and wonderful. The trees are turning. It makes me want to paint fall paintings. I have several in mind, and that makes me excited. Unfortunately, I don't want to do other stuff - like laundry, house cleaning, etc. I will say that the cooler weather gives me an added "umph" to want to do things. Summer heat just takes me down, so I am glad for the autumn.

The portrait that I have been working on with my little art student, is going better, but not great. Certainly not a keeper! I'm not giving up on it, but neither is it making me happy. I have been doing some other paintings - a little watercolor and some pastels. These things make me happy. When your art is going well, there is a great feeling of satisfaction and pleasure. When your art is not working out the way you thought, well, it is irritating and depressing. It is important sometimes to work through the problem. Sometimes it is good to give in, give up, and maybe start again. Here is one of the pastels I am working on. I wanted to create movement - like a dancer. This may need a little more work, but here it is.


Anonymous said...

You say you want to create movement. I already see movement. There is a hair stuck to my computer screen almost exactly corresponding to the reins and the ceiling fan is blowing it...How weird is that?


Bag Blog said...

I understand about stuff stuck to your screen. I often wonder why someone put a period in the middle of the sentence. Oh, it's just a random spec of something on my screen.

Jo Castillo said...

Finally home, thought I had commented on this. :-( I like it a lot. It really does have movement and is lively. I like your palette
as well. My smile for today. Hugs.

Bag Blog said...

I have been neglecting my blog again. The good news is that I have been painting. I enjoyed painting the cowboy. Glad you like it. It is a bit different, but fun.