Friday, June 04, 2021

End of the Month

 The last of the month is always a bit busy for me with CTAC meetings and committee meetings and changing out the gallery from one show to another. We got it all done with only one little hitch. Earlier in the month we had had Behnaz Sohrabian back into our gallery to do a two hour demo. We like to have something in the gallery to bring people back in during a show. Behnaz had been a no-show at her own meet-and-greet, which was very disappointing, but she is a really good artist and we had already asked her to do the demo. She had agreed to do the demo for $400. There was no way we could break-even on the demo, but we went ahead and had it. We might have well saved our money. For two hours she painted and she had us remain all very quite, because she needed to concentrate. She did not talk about her art or tell us anything about how she did things. When I asked her to explain some things, she told me  pretty much that my question was bothering her and she would talk to us at break. Yeah. I wanted to leave then and there, but I hung in. She did paint a beautiful painting of a young friend of mine whom I had talked into modeling for us. 

Behnaz agreed to give us the painting to do with as we wanted - maybe auction it off to raise money for CTAC. But when she brought us the painting at the end of the month, there was a "misunderstanding" on what she said and what we heard. She expected money for the painting and we only got a commission. We worked it out after much irritation.  Live and learn. 

On a better note, The grandkids came and spent the night last weekend. It was wild times at the Lazy B! We ate hamburgers, watched "The Cat from Outerspace" movie, and put everyone to bed. GBN3 did not sleep, but roamed the house. He was a mess the next day - worn out and grumpy. We made waffles and played some more. I was worn out when they finally went home. 

Memorial Day was quiet. We worked on a new chicken tractor for the six chicks Toby bought. Tuesday and Wed, I gave the Iowa Skills test to 11 homeschoolers. Once again I was worn out. Plus, I wasn't feeling well. Thinking that it was just sinus, I continued on with my usual. But I kept getting worse. Today I went in to the Urgent Med and they tested me for Covid and pneumonia. I was negative for both - YAY! They gave me a shot in the buttocks and prescribed me some meds. Hopefully, I will be feeling better soon.



Jo Castillo said...

The painting and model are beautiful. What a disappointment for sure. Some artists are just too full of themselves. They don’t even get embarrassed. We do learn.

Sorry you have been ill. It limits you without you realizing it. My mom used to say, “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.” Hope you are better with the meds. Hugs.

Baseball games today with no masks!! Lovely day. Even rained a little but no one cared. Ha.

Anonymous said...

Jo is very gracious in her comments about the artist. I am trying hard to refrain from saying anything about that. Yes, live and learn and avoid her in the future.

I hope you are feeling better today.


Bag Blog said...

I think your word "disappointment" sums up my feelings about the artist. I'm glad it is over and can move on to better things. I'm already feeling better, but I sound bad.

Thanks for sending the link to the artist's bio. I will read more carefully - between the lines next time :)

Jo Castillo said...

Lou, yep, disappointment is a good word. It gives the whole exhibit/demos a weird let down feeling. You feel bad for the group and even the artist. It seems they really don't know what they did. We've had a couple in our groups over the years. I went down to the LPAC (Lost Pines Art Center) and hung a couple of paintings again, just so different. The Regionals (baseball)were here so I missed the show and the meeting. I really doubt I will go to the meetings.

But on a happier note, the Longhorns won and we will get 2 or 3 more live games with no masks this weekend at the Supper Regionals (against a Florida or Alabama team)and then hope the Horns go to Omaha and we get to watch some of the College World Series.

Happy that you feel better. We are OK .. I fell flat on my face yesterday walking to the stadium. You would have laughed with me. Luckily it was on the softened grass and all I have is a little blue spot on my nose. I had visions of black eyes, broken teeth and cut lips again.. but "nada". It was funny after I realized I was OK. Hopped up, well as much as I can hop, and on to the game!