Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Will You Still Love Me, When I'm 64?

 As mentioned before, my family did not do very big birthdays.  Sometimes when we were little kids, Mom would make a bigger to-do over our birthday, but it was rare. And I get it. I am the very worst about remembering birthdays and such. Well, I can remember. I just procrastinate until the last minute and not get much done. So, I say that to say that today is my 64th birthday. I have been buying myself presents all month :) I kinda like this getting old!

One of the things I got for my birthday was a new, smaller laptop. Actually, Toby needed a new laptop. He bought a small Chrome Book for me, and is taking over my old laptop.  I am spoiled. Now, I need to figure this little 'puter out. I typed up a test for my art appreciation class, but could not figure out how to make it print. Something like that should be easy, but alas, it was not. I gave up and went to read my book (another good thing about getting old - doing what you want). Toby finally figured out the laptop/printer problem, but even he struggled. I say that to justify my ignorance :)

Speaking of computers, yesterday at school I had a very frustrating ordeal with the campus computers. About a week ago, they had us change our passwords to get into email and other grade-book stuff. It all worked well. Also last week, I asked if I could use an empty office near my classroom. I tend to get to campus early and hate sitting in the hall waiting on the class before mine to get out of the room. Sometimes I like to use the campus computers to check email and do work - free internet is always good. So I got a key to the office and use of a computer (like a real PROfessor). Yesterday, I went early so that I could enter some grades and get ready for class using the office. But when I tried to log into the campus network, it said that I had the wrong password or username, yada, yada. I tried several times and several ways, but to no avail. I was afraid I would eventually get locked out. So I went around to the campus tech guy, but his door was closed. In fact, no one seemed to be in any of the offices. Then I found one student-computer-tech kid sitting in the dark of the office. Although he is new to the tech office,  he tried to help me (he was a real cutie and very personable). Still, it didn't work. Luckily, the Duncan campus director walked by about that time and gave me the tech number from the main campus. Even then, it took a little while to get things sorted. The tech lady was very nice and very helpful. My class had started, so she waited on me to let them know I would be right there - not to leave. It made me a little frazzled by the time I got to my class and got on the computer to set up my powerpoint for the day. I think my students are getting use to me being a little nuts.

From this post, you probably think I am not very computer 'literate. Or maybe since I turned 64, I am just not so smart. And you would be right. Speaking of old, I got new glasses. I have good eyesight except for needing readers. The eye doctor talked me and Toby into getting no line bifocals. They take some getting used-to. In fact, I am pretty sure I know why old people fall lots. They look through the wrong part of their glasses and get drunk and down they go. Well, I haven't actually fallen, but the dizzy part...I'll keep working on it. I kind of like them. Dizzy blonde (gray now)!


Jo Castillo said...

You are too funny. You might appreciate this Dolly Parton quote:
"I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb and I also know that I'm not blonde."- Dolly Parton

These golden years aren’t so golden and not easy. You have a ways to go to catch us.

Have fun with the new computer! Hugs...

Jo Castillo said...

You need to listen to “Do ya’ “ by K. T. Olin if you don’t know it.


bag blog said...

I like that Dolly Pardon joke! Now I will go listen to the music link.

Etienne said...
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