Tuesday, July 18, 2006

All's Well that Ends

Several people called yesterday or emailed to say that they really enjoyed the reunion. For the most part, the reunion was fun. It was the first time that my friend, Kathy Ralli, had been to a reunion since graduation. She married a German (pilot from Sheppard, I think) after high school and moved to Germany. Her husband died leaving her with two little girls. She moved them to Greece (Ralli is a Greek) to raise them. She met and married an American soccer coach while in Greece. Several years ago, they moved to Austin, TX. I have been in touch with her via email, but had not seen her since the day we graduated. She has led a very interesting life, and it was just great to see her. Yesterday, I tried to post a picture of Kathy and me at the reunion, but I am having some problems with my computer. Maybe I can get it right today. There was also a friend named Kathy McCall at the reunion. She married an Irish man (Laheem) and now lives in France. She was having a great time at the reunion – you should have seen her dancing! It was fun just watching her have fun. My friend, Becky L, says she hates mingling and is not good at it, but there she was laughing and talking with everyone. She looked especially beautiful in her "modern clothes" that she went out and bought after her daughter said that she "always dressed so old" – daughters! Then there was Shirley looking quite beautiful, but fragile. It was her first time to a reunion, too. She said her first husband liked other women – so they divorced. Her second husband liked other men…Whoa! Too much information! Danny S. (who did 21 years in the Navy in electronics) was there with his fiancĂ© - it will be his third wife. She was a bit younger than Danny, and she was quite sexy and beautiful. I would like to have disliked her (She wore a bathing suit sort of outfit), but she was really great. You go Danny! Then there was Terry A. In high school he was a big scary biker sort of guy. He still is, but after visiting with him and his wife, they were just very pleasant people.

I guess I just like people. I have always found them fascinating. It is interesting to see how much people have changed and where their lives have taken them. Although the hotel caterer, Brenda, was unpleasant and threw us out, I think most people were really enjoying themselves. In fact, when everyone stops to think about it, they will probably get a good laugh out of the whole thing.

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