Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Little Whine with My Cheese

I live in the middle of a hay pasture – bluestem grass to be exact with a little clover mixed in making it great for feeding animals. I have a septic tank buried in the front yard with miles of septic lines coming from the tank - thanks to our Oklahoma soil, which is tight clay. Last summer when we put the tank in, Toby said it needed to "settle" before we could even out the ground and start a yard. Well, it has settled, but it has more dirt on the top of the tank than the ground around it making a big hump in the yard, plus there are low spots here and there from the septic lines and general construction of our house. We are slowly filling those in. The back yard has several low areas due to the gas line, water line, and electric coming to the house. The dirt has settled leaving small trenches that need to be filled in. On the eastside of the house, we have several large piles of sand. Some of the sand will be used for making the stucco (we need another layer on the house). The other piles have to do with making a patio. In other words the ground around my house is very uneven. We have a nice rock driveway leading up to our house and making a parking area. For some reason, people drive past the rock and park in what is suppose to be my front yard. Jesse planted a flowerbed hoping people would not drive on into the yard and onto the septic tank and lines. So far, it has not been successful.

The truth is, I loathe yard work. I want a nice yard, but I don’t want to do it. A small yard for my grandbabies to play in and look nice is all that I need. I don’t want to spend hours on a lawn mower. Grass is food for horses and cows. I just want a small area to call my yard and a patio area to call my kitchen. Last evening, Toby and I worked in the yard. Due to the rain, the bluestem had grown past my knees. It would have been easier to bale it than mow it. Our riding lawnmower died last summer, and we have to use the push mower. The weed-eater would make Tim the Tool Man proud, if you can get it running and keep it running. By the time we got the yard things running properly and did a little yard work, I was worn out and crazed. I was tired of trying to mow down the deep grass, and falling into holes that I could not see. Can’t we just bring in the bulldozer and scrape the grass off and start fresh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The truth is, I loathe yard work. I want a nice yard, but I don’t want to do it.

I am so with you on this! I hate yard work. I'd like to have a nice yard, but since my cousin owns the land I'm sitting on, and he believes a yard if for driving through, what's the point?