On our way through Ft. Worth, Toby made a wrong turn (he was on the inside lane again) and ended up in downtown Ft. Worth, which was not really so bad. We turned on Main St. and headed for the Stockyards. It was probably a Freudian slip, because we ended up at Joe T. Garcia's for dinner and margaritas on the patio. It may be my favorite place to eat in the world. I did not have a camera, but I did have my new journal/drawing pad. I managed to sketch some of the patio - wishing to capture the color, but only had a pencil. If you are ever in Ft. Worth, Joe T's is a must. It is just the best atmosphere, food and margaritas. I am not sure I captured the beauty of the patio, but hopefully, you get the idea of the atmosphere.
Looks gorgeous!
Hey Lou, sorry I missed art yesterday I have five sick puppies. I am glad you are back from your trip! I will see you Sunday. P.S. I love your painting of the week.
Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful!
Thanks for the feedback on the art.
No one commented on the picture of Jesse on the bull and Lindsay playing the guitar - which I thought were funny.
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