As I have mentioned GBN1 has been quite the magpie imitating everything she hears. Lots of her drama comes from the Disney movies she watches. You never know what she is going to say, but sometimes it is recognizable from a particular movie. While we were at the park last Saturday, she said "Gorge!" quite often. We assumed it was similar to Goofy’s "Gorsh!" We still are not sure about that one. At one point while we had GBN1, Aunt Jesse had a little tiff with her and made GBN1 go sit in the chair for time-out. GBN1 sat for a second and then got up, but Aunt Jes made her go back to the chair saying, "Do not get up without asking me first." To show her irritation and frustration, GBN1 said, "Good grief!" Jesse ignored her, so she said it again only louder, "Good grief!" Jesse managed to keep a straight face.
If you are wondering how my morning is going, you can read "Caffeine" that I already posted. I thought I would add this little item. A few minutes ago, I stepped outside to feed the dogs. Without ever leaving the covered carport, I fed the dogs and managed to step in dog poop while wearing my house-shoes. Gorge! Then without realizing that I had stepped in dog poop on the carport in my house-shoes, I came inside and stepped on the living-room rug. Good grief! Good grief!
Yuck! Times like that living without dogs does not look so bad.
I had yard duty several weeks ago. I bribed my dad with one of his favorite desserts if he cleaned up the yard. ( it worked)
Then without realizing that I had stepped in dog poop...
Aiiieee. It's been well over ten years since that's happened to me, yet I can STILL relate. NOT good, to say the very least!
I hope your day gets better as we move forward, Lou!
Double yuck! Thanks for the smile at your expense, though. Heh, heh.
We haven't had the big rain promised yet today, guess it is all up at Dallas and your way.... We are supposed to have a baseball game. Fat chance.
Good Gosh Lou, Your being sorely tested today, are you not!!!
I made it through the day without taking a nap, getting lots of art done, and the carpet is clean, but I have not touched the shoes yet.
Just give the shoe to the dog.
Junk Diva, you crack me up.
Oh Gorsh, I should know better than to read your blog when it is important for me to keep quiet. Had to clamp my hand across my mouth to keep from giggling.
When my son was about 4, he had seen way too many movies than he probably should have seen at that age, due to his grandfather's influence. One day in the video store, he refused to come when it was time to go.... he kept going down the different aisles hiding from me. When I got very stern and started counting, he knew he would be in big trouble.... he popped out from the end of an aisle, one hand on hip and said "Whatever you say princess". That was a line I recognized from some bad B flick, sci fi with Molly Ringwold. I do not remember if I managed to keep from laughing, I don't think so because he would repeat that one every so often and still does to this day.
Laurie, That one is priceless. I will keep that one in mind every time you comment :) Whatever you say, princess!
Here is the movie in question. LOL!
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