Today is going to be a busy day. Jesse’s 26th birthday is coming up on June 4th, and we are having a get together this evening to eat fajitas, drink daiquiris, and play a little volleyball. If you read this, feel free to come to the party tonight. Jesse says it is not really her birthday party, but just a party. I told her this would be the only party we were throwing and if she wanted to do something on her B-day, she would have to get someone else to foot the bill. Knowing Jesse, she will have someone talked into going to eat at Outback or Texas Roadhouse next week. Bo’s birthday is the week after on the 11th. When they were little, they thought their birthdays lasted all week starting with Jesse’s and ending with Bo’s. The tradition continues.
In the meantime, I need to get ready for this party tonight. I made a list this morning of things I need to do today, but I already lost the list. Should I make another one or spend time looking for the first list? You know that thing I said about "playing the blonde," well it turns out I play it very well. I need to start managing my time better. Being a morning person, I may have to limit my time on the computer. If I don’t get things done in the mornings, I tend to not get them done. I may need to get my chores done before I get my blogging done. It is a management issue. It is kind of like dieting. I need to control my eating and have better eating habits, but I am not willing to give up food all together – same goes for the computer. I have my TV habits well under control. Now I need to work on my computer habits. Yeah right!
Speaking of new blogs (well, maybe we weren’t actually speaking of new blogs, but we are now), I have been reading Maj C over at A Major’s Perspective. He is currently in Kansas and writing about his early deployment in Mosul. Very good stuff! He does not seem to have many readers or maybe I should say commentors. Drop by and give him some support if you get a chance.
Okay, I am off like a heard of turtles in a bowl of peanut butter.
Wow! A week-long birthday! How cool for Jess and Bo...
I need to work on my computer habits, too. The danged thing really IS a time-sink... but what else would I do while drinking my morning coffee? Read the NYT? I think not...
Actually... it's the time spent on the 'puter AFTER the coffee is gone that guilts me out.
Bo was telling me that he thought GBN1 looks like Jesse. Well, I wasn't totally sold until seeing this pic of Jesse. Oh...my...gosh! I can totally see it now!
I like the birthday stretching idea. Mine's in March. I wonder if we can stretch that until Rye's in December.
There are certaing things about GBN1 and Jesse that are similar, but those are some of the same things that are similar to Bo and Jes. I see GBN2 and Jesse as alike also. I'll have to post one of Bo next.
The party sounds fun!
As you may or may not know, I was adopted at birth. I think I have found - in you - a sibling!!!! Good grief, you sound like me! Hope you guys have a great party!
Darn I read this to late to come party, hope you managed to have fun without me.
..."a herd of turtles in a bowl of peanut butter..."
HAHAHAHHAHA! THAT is an amazing expresssion. I love it!!!!
I will definitely go check out the Major's perspective.
And happy bday to J!
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