Friday night we drove over to WF to have supper with my brother and Catherine and Mom. Lindz and Shay went with us to make the trip more exciting. It was a nice visit, but it made for a long evening. I did not get into bed until about 12:30 AM. I am not a night person. Since I am a morning person, I was awake by 6:30 AM. Don’t you hate that?
Saturday morning we all went our separate ways. I made a cream cheese/whip cream pie and a squash casserole for a ladies luncheon. We have lots of squash these days and we are beginning to get some okra in our garden. The luncheon lasted until after 3 PM. I was the first one out the door – sometimes when I am tired, I get grumpy or in this case antsy. When I got home, I took a big dog nap to renew my strength and disposition. Toby came in about 4:30 PM and touched me on the shoulder making me jump. He claims he made enough noise to wake the dead and thought I was surely awake. Jesse had gone to the Stratford Peach Festival and eventually came home with a bag of tasty peaches (watch for pics on her blog). The GGs came by for a little while. Bo had bought four bicycles for $14.00 at a garage sale – he and Toby have a new project to build some sort of something with wheels. I think one of the GGs has claimed one of the little bikes. We all went to the Chuckwagon for supper. Later in the evening when all was calm again, we watched a movie called "Penelope." It was a fairytale sort of movie, and it was fun.
After church on Sunday, Jesse and I took both GGs and all the Royals (not the newest Noah) to get chicken and curly fries and red bug juice. Yes, the Royals are home from their CO trip. Jesse and I looked like we were in a kid’s parade walking to Speedy G’s with all those kids. We made quite an entrance to the cafĂ©. It is always fun to play with the kids, but it is nice to give them back to their parents. After our Sunday nap, I made a peach pie while Toby made peach daiquiris. We had kabobs on the grill – steak, shrimp, and veggies from the garden. Sunday evening Jesse and I went to the park to play volleyball while Toby stayed home and worked on his motorcycle. Volleyball was good. The Piper and his royal princesses were there. I don’t think he has ever explained that PN2 is working on being a prosecuting attorney. She asks a lot of questions with "why" being her main word. I tried to answer most of them, but she kept it up until I broke. She will make a great DA someday. Jesse and I picked up some vanilla ice cream while in town – so that we could have peach pie and ice cream for a snack before bedtime. After taking two ibuprofen, I hit the pillow and slept hard.
Today I am off to OK City to look for wedding dresses with Lindz, Jes and Janice. More later.
i musta been tired last nite then...i was grummpy and antsy.
Sounds like a great weekend. Kids make everything a little more fun, don't they? Like you, I prefer the kind that can be sent back home.
Mmmm... peach pie and ice cream! And peach daiquiris! Wow. A good weekend, indeed!
Sounds like a very busy weekend! MMMM peach pie!
When Cody was little, he never asked "why?". He always asked, "Because of what?". I knew he was going to be one who insisted on doing things the hard way!
Well, that's just peachy.
I love peaches. If you gave me a choice between a piece of chocolate cake or a good peach I would choose the peach every time.
Thanks for making the trip to WF Lou! Loved seeing you, Jesse, Lindsay (and meeting Shay)! You musta left just before the antsy or grumpy set in ... cause you sure were fun - as always!
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