The decision is in. I think. As of this moment, we are planning on going west for our vacation. That is the only part that I am really sure of. The rest of the vacation we will just wing. Whatever happens happens. I would like to say, "we will be here on this day" but who knows for sure. I can give you our basic plan, but it could change. We will head to Lubbock in the morning and spend Saturday and Sunday with Toby’s mom and hopefully see Mrs. Bear and Mr. Bear during that time. We will head further west on Monday, and maybe meet up with Buck somewhere around Portales. I have tried not to make too many stipulations planning this trip since it is Toby’s vacation, but he knows how much I want to meet my long-time blog buddy. He said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you want to stop and see Buck" without me even mentioning it." Next, we will head on up to the mountains and enjoy some cool air and scenery. We would like to drive up through the back roads of NM as we used to do so often. I don’t know how long we will stay in RR, but long enough to see old friends and maybe play some golf at Escondido. We hope to get some bike riding in along the way. We would also like to drive home via Albuquerque and stop at the State Fair, and the horse races. When the kids were little, we all loved going to the fair in September, eating sausage on a stick, smelling the green chilies roasting, and attending the horse races. At some point on our return trip, we would like to stop in Amarillo to see my sister and her family. I plan on taking my laptop and trying to post a few blogs along the way.
Quick story: When I was the sophomore class sponsor at Questa High School, the sophomores won a trip to the State Fair. The other sponsor and I loaded about 40 kids on an old yellow school bus and drove to Albuquerque for the day. When we let the students off the bus at the fair grounds, they scattered with instructions to meet back at a certain time later in the day. I did walk around the exhibits with the other sponsor (a new teacher from back East) for a little while, but then that got old. Amos Martinez (pronounced ah-mose), the bus driver, and I headed to the horse races. There seemed to be quite a few other men from Questa at the horse races that day, and I just joined in and was "one of the guys." You have to realize how funny it looked for me, a blondie gringa schoolteacher, to be at the horse races with Amos and the guys. We were having a great time. The other sponsor found me there and was amazed at my ability to "fit in" with the locals. But it was really just all about having fun and loving the people and their culture.
I am looking forward to seeing NM, my blog buddies, fresh mountain air, and wearing my new sweater.

Lou! You're coming to New Mexico! How cool! Best time of the year here as you know! I can't wait to read all about it!
Late start today... but hopefully ya got my e-mail. I'm pretty excited about your plans, Lou!
Great photo... the mirrors make things quite interesting! I hear ya about "change." It happens. I watched TSMP and her girlfriends go through the same sort of thing. It was really a weird sort of experience for me to watch, given the 11-year difference in our ages. And hard, if not impossible to explain. So I'll just leave it at that... except to say that friends remain friends even though time and circumstance(s) change.
Buck, I did get your email. Lindz and Jesse will always remain friends, but change is inevitalbe. I can imagine the 11 year difference in ages made for a unique situation.
Have a great vacation, Lou. I hope you do get to post some while you are gone. I'll be looking forward to reading them.
I know what you mean about being "one of the guys." Seems I've spent my whole life as "one of the guys." Nobody ever seemed to remember that I was really a girl.
I was one of the guys when I rode at the ranch with my dad, too.
Hope you have a great vacation. We move to ABQ on Sept. 15, guess you won't be there then??
Have fun, will be waiting to hear what happens.
I hope you have a great time on your vacation.
I was always one of the guys too. I was never very girly, always kind of a tomboy.
Have a fantastic vacation!!!
Of course… it's the vacation time & also the time to plan a family vacation trip to me.
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