Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Where in the World is Grandma

About a month ago, my mom called and asked if I wanted to go to Chicago with her and her friends. It would be like last December's New York trip where we would fly stand-by and get really cheap tickets since one of Mom's friends' has a daughter who works for Southwest Airlines. I declined the trip offer because with the upcoming wedding and art show, I just have too much on my plate. Mom and the ladies left on Sunday without me. She called this morning telling me what a wonderful time they were having. Then she mentioned "the Canadian falls." Hmm, that was not ringing a bell for me, and I was doubting my geography knowledge. So I asked her if she had been by the Palmer House Hotel (where my grandfather worked as a young man back in the 20's). She paused, and said, "No, we are in Niagara Falls."

Do you know where your mother is?


Junk Diva said...

DUH!!! Niagara Falls.

Inquiries said...

That's funny! Well they at least got up north somewhere.

Buck said...

That IS pretty funny... and I'm sure there's something of a back-story there, as well!

Anonymous said...

Too good! And like Buck says, I bet there is a backstory - you have to share it once you know!

Laurie said...

Flights to Chicago were full, pending the big election brouhaha? So they took the next best thing... Buffalo, NY? lol!

Bag Blog said...

I think Laurie may be right. The ladies had to fly on the least full flights since they were stand-by. NY sounded nice this time of year.