Friday, November 20, 2009

Duncan Downtown Stroll

My son takes his last CPA exam today, so I am off to babysit the GGs. We will have lunch with Crewcraw and Aunt Jes. We may go to a birthday party. And there is always Wal-Mart. They came over for a minute yesterday - like a whirlwind. GBN1 told me to be sure and get her a hammer so she can help build the house. GBN2 said she loved my big dog, Zoe, but that she did not like dog kisses.
I painted another cactus yesterday and also matted several old paintings. This weekend the DAG is participating in the downtown stroll. I will be setting up my art stuff at the Pewter Store - stroll by and see me.


Buck said...

...stroll by and see me.

Heh. Would that I could.

Alison said...

Hi Lou! Yes, it's me, betcha thought I fell of the face of the earth? I've been over to Jesse's blog...what a great photographer she is! I am making the rounds this morning (trying to catch up on a two month absence) and just had to stop in to say hello and btw... I love the boat painting! I'm hoping to be able to get back into the habit of reading and posting again, now that the winter is bearing down on us. I have to admit, I've been more active on Facebook because it requires less time and energy. But I miss the connections one makes in this forum, so here I am again... the prodigal daughter! Regards,

Bag Blog said...

Alison, I have been keeping up with you through FaceBook. I knew you were alive and well, but I am always glad when you come by here and leave a comment. Comments have been few and far between lately. Welcome back.

Buck, The Stroll was good - I wish you had been there :)