Monday, January 24, 2011


It has been a wild couple of weeks. This new year seems to have started off at a dead run. Blogging has been sparse. Although I have been reading some blogs, I have not had the time or brainpower to leave many comments or blog much. It may be the new trend for me.

After a week in Lubbock with Toby’s mom in the hospital, it became apparent that she did not need to be living alone so far away from her family. It was peaceable with everyone involved to move her closer to us here in OK and North Texas. We then spent the next week making arrangements and beginning the move. It has all gone very well, but it has not always been easy. This may sound odd, but moving my MIL is one of those things that takes a lot of focus. And yet, we all have our individual lives and family stuff going on around the big move. I am thankful for Toby’s sisters and their part in making this move easier. We still have lots to do, but it will be so good to have my MIL settled in and closer to us.

Art was another big focus this week. Wednesday it was important to paint with the Painted Ladies at the new Art Center in order to catch up on some happenings there. Thursday I had my first "Painting Time with Lou" at the art center. I had six students show up to paint with me. All but one wanted to do watercolor making things easier for me. I meant to take pictures, but forgot (hey brainpower fluctuates). It was an interesting group of students – all adults – and all fairly talented.
Friday, I drove to WF to pick up my MIL for the weekend. Then Friday night the Art Center had a reception/party to raise money for children’s art supplies. My job was to supply the punch, which no one drank. The fundraiser was a big hit with lots of people in attendance. This picture was taken as the party was starting - soon the room was full.

Saturday night we had the GGs over for supper so that they could see their Great-Gran. Actually, I needed some GG time after being gone or busy the last couple of weeks. There is never a dull moment with the GGs around. Yesterday, we took my MIL back to WF and unloaded a moving van full of her furniture. Today, I need to play "catch up" with things here at the house. I have a commissioned portrait that needs to be done. I can truly say that I have not procrastinated on this portrait, but have been too busy to focus on it. Hopefully I can get ‘er done soon. Focus!


Jo Castillo said...

Well, sounds like you are back to normal. I liked the tofu question/answer. It sounds like all the art things are working out, too. Can you show the portrait when it is done?

Bag Blog said...

Jo, I'm hoping all is back in order. We will have to make another trip to Lubbock. I will show the portrait when I get it to "presentable stage."

Dale said...

Lou, you're like a duck on the water. On top you appear to be gliding around the lake with the greatest of ease, but under the water your paddling like hell! Hang in there girl!

Buck said...

Busy, busy, busy! Which is ALWAYS better than the alternative. That depends on how one defines "busy" and the available alternatives, I suppose.

Hang in there, Lou.

Bag Blog said...

Buck, The busy-ness is good - keeps my mind greased.

Dale, A duck! Intersesting comparison.