Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lubbock Lag

I had a minute to check email, FB, and blog while at the grocery store/coffee shop. I am such a junky. Toby and his sisters all went home today, but I will be in Lubbock a bit longer to take care of my MIL. For just a moment when they all left, I got that very sad and lonely feeling. I know it is just a day or two longer and all is good, but there is something about watching people drive off that makes you weepy. Oh wait! My hormones could be off.


Buck said...

...there is something about watching people drive off that makes you weepy.

Ummm, maybe. Mebbe not. I don't have the same issue with hormones as you're experiencing, Lou, but I tend to get misty when watching people near and dear to me drive away. That whole "misty" thing is something of a curse, too. Especially in ol' sergeants. We ain't supposed to cry, yanno.

Bag Blog said...

Buck, My kids would say that there is a bit ol' sergeant in me too. Still, the weepy/misty gets me. Could be that I'm in Lubbock and I don't want to be.

Junk Diva said...

Miss your smiling face.

Junk Diva said...

Still missing you!

Traveling bags said...

Nice review ! I like your article and i will definitely look again..........................................