When Toby is home, it is serious work time. This past week, he took Thursday and Friday off, because we had lots to do. Thursday we were up and at 'em at the crack of dawn to drive to WF and pick up the Subaru. If you remember, it had broken down the week before. The problem was where to take it to have it fixed - not everyone works on Subarus. We really needed to take it to a Subaru dealer, but the nearest one was in OK City. That meant putting the car on a trailer and hauling it - not our favorite thang. Turns out the Diva's husband, the Junk Hunk, has a trailer fetish and owns all sorts of trailers including a car hauler. Wed night after shopping in with the Diva, I hooked on to her hauler and hauled it home. Thursday morning, we picked up the Subaru and hauled it to The City. Puhfect! While I had Toby in The City, I had him look at rugs and barstools, which we bought - yeha! I love the way he shops! Once again, we crammed ten pounds of stuff in a five pound bag - took us all day.
Friday, we had some more shopping to do, so we made a quick trip to Lawton. One of the things we had been needing to finish our bathroom was a "encurve Decora" glass block. Lowes and Home Depot folks were pretty much idjits about ordering the block. We stopped by Sutherlands to see if they could order the block, and they happened to have, not one, but two encurve blocks on the shelf! And at about half the price as the other places - Double yeha! We also bought a new mattress. I'm not sure I'm ready to talk about that, yet. Grumble.
We still had daylight to burn on Friday after our trip to Lawton, so we worked on shelves for the closets. Before we can clear out our storage unit, we need places to put stuff. The closets needed shelves and hanging rods. We built and painted four shelves. By Sunday afternoon, they were in the closets.
Also this weekend, my nephew, Adam, came to see us. We did a bit of watercolor together while Jesse worked on her homework. She posted pics here both of which are very artsy, as usual. Adam was a help carrying the shelves and moving furniture around. For that, we fed him and took him to see "Mission Impossible." He and Jes loaded up her Scion and headed back to Grandma's Sunday afternoon. Toby and I finished putting in the shelves and then slept hard on the new hard mattress.
Toby and I finished putting in the shelves and then slept hard on the new hard mattress.
You musta not been payin' attention to those Sleep Number commercials. One o' the VERY few bennies o' sleepin' alone is I don't have to listen to complaints about my choice in mattresses. ;-)
NICE shelving! I shoulda commissioned all y'all to do my bookcase.
Ain't it nice to have friends with useful stuff... like car haulers?
If you don't mind the wait, we can build you some shelves. And yes, friends with car haulers and such are the best! I'm not gonna talk about the mattress...yet.
I loved the picture of Adam running on Jesse's blog. I cracked up when I saw it.
He was very funny. Jesse could barely take the pictures; she was laughing so hard.
The shelves are super. Gene needs to get to work in my studio! Your house is looking so great.
wv - hoblocap .. no translation but it looks so fine.
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