Last weekend, we went to Lubbock for a wedding. It was a good trip - good to see my friends and family, but it rained and was a bit cold all day Saturday.

Getting to see my friends, Bear and Anny was my birthday treat.

Anny baked me a cake and put so many candles on it that we could not get them all lit before they melted.
I had hoped to see my cousin, Patti, more, but she was busy getting her son married off.

Patti and I were such buddies at one time, but now we rarely see each other. Such is life. It takes effort to keep up relationships.

My little cousin (Patti's GG) stole the show in her little tutu. The boys were pretty cute too.
The wedding itself was okay as weddings go. The reception was held at the
Windmill Museum, which was very cool.

I took a couple of pictures inside the museum of the many windmills on display. There were even more windmills outside. Then there was the great mural painted around the reception area - very impressive. It was a great place to have a party. The party was not as exciting as I'd hoped it would be, but maybe my expectations were too high. I was hoping for a fun dance time with the cousins, but very few people hit the dance floor.

Jesse stood in line with her cousin (next to her on the end) to catch the bouquet, but it was way over-thrown.

Well, there was this bit of silliness when we put the cupcake holders on our heads like little crowns.

And on our ears. Okay, the truth: the party was dull and we had to make our own fun.
Anny baked me a cake and put so many candles on it that we could not get them all lit before they melted.
Rumor has it you can see the candles on my cake from space. Which is why we don't do birthdays any longer.
You crowned wimmen looked very impressive there, Lou. Seriously. I LOVE royalty.
We did that for my dad's 55th birthday. It took my mother and me both lighting candles as fast as we could to get them all done.
I don't mind birthdays, but I think candles are out from now on. Did you see the mural on the wall in the photos?
Well, I'm about that age myself, but we were laughing too hard to light candles - with three of us trying to light them.
Did you see the mural on the wall in the photos?
I did and I liked it... very "Plains-like." I almost made a comment about the Windmill Museum which I think is a great thang, too. The city of P-Ville is putting the Dalley windmill collection (search EIP for "Dalley" if ya don't remember) into a space at the Ag Expo (Fairgrounds), so we'll have our very own windmill museum, too. Sorta.
You make any time a good time! I miss Lubbock occasionally ... only occasionally.
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