Yesterday we had another big storm with strong wind gusts. The internet was down most of the afternoon and evening. Finally around 9 PM, I mentioned to Toby that I thought the wind might have blown the TV/Internet antenna. He did a quick adjustment and it was fixed.
Earlier in the day I had seen a couple of photos that I thought were really cool and would make a nice Memorial Day post. I stole them from FB along with their captions:

My friend Phil posted this photo on FB of his father after WWII in Italy.
is one of my favorites of my Dad somewhere in Italy, near the end of
World War II. Celebrating the wars near end and going home!

Then my SIL posted this photo of her father's WWII plane.
was the plane my Dad flew in WWII, called "Heavens Above." Had to
resort to stock photo from the Lackland Air Museum, as I can't find the
picture of my Dad holding his grandson (my son, now 39) as he told him
the story of "Grandpa's Big Plane!" Thanks, Dad, who is now in "heaven
above"...and all the many other men and women for their courage,
dedication, and service!

Since I have this great photo of my dad when he was at Ft. Raleigh in about 1948, I thought I would post it. He would have been about 20 years old. You won't notice it, but my dad's right arm and hand are crippled. He had no muscle/tendon use in it after a hazing incident at Texas A&M. He managed to hide that fact from the military doctors when enlisting. But he was smart, so the Army put him in an office and taught him to type with one finger and one hand. They also taught him to make a bed right and tight - I know 'cause he taught me too.
Thank you all who served. You are remembered.
Great pics, Thanks.
Those are awesome photos Lou!
Lou, I have always been captivated by military pictures and paintings - each one being a treasured memory for family and friends. More often than not most have no detail attached to the artefact, which is a shame as each one has meaning far beyond the 'front cover.' Thanks for bringing me over here to view these. Aye.
Juvat and Sarge, thanks for dropping by.
My friend's picture of his father in Italy is way cool. I love the look on his face, the beer in his hand, and the sign on the door.
Yeah, thought I'd drop by the "BAD" Blog too! :)
The Bad Blog loves to have visitors. Thanks for dropping by. I hope you liked the photos.
Great photos and memories. I did not get a post done. Thanks for sharing yours and giving me things to think about.
You were busy making new memories this past weekend. Between the wedding and the flooding, you won't forget Memorial Day of 2015.
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