Last night Toby and I went to a wrestling duel at the high school where I teach. It was wrestling homecoming. I kid you not - wrestling homecoming! They apparently have homecoming for each sport. When the school is as small as Comanche, just about everyone gets to run for homecoming queen. I laughed when there were more cheerleaders on the cheer squad than there were football players on the football team. It all seems a bit ridiculous.
Anyway, I had never been to a wrestling tournament/duel. It was interesting and tiring. In football or basketball I have never felt the need to "help" the players. Last night, though, I was leaning and straining and mashing throughout the matches. Maybe I was a wrestler in a prior life. Maybe my days of wresting with my brothers came back to me. I was pretty darn good at pinning my little brother and several of his friends back in my high school days. Not that I wrestled lots of jr high kids in the hall at our house often. Just sayin".
I liked the wrestling duel. Quite a few of my male art students are wrestlers, so it was fun to watch them. Apparently, wrestling is big in OK. And the wrestling coach teaches next door to my art room, so I have come to know him fairly well. Except for sitting on the hard gymnasium bench seats, the night was fun. One of my favorite art students got homecoming queen. She is beautiful and fsmart - so I was happy for her.
Of course there was that moment when Toby leaned over and whispered in my ear something about going home and wrestling... Then we both laughed so hard that I'm sure we got lots of people wondering what was so funny. My man! That's who is so funny.
None of that in our school days! Well, not in school as part of the athletics program! There were usually around 100 students in high school, so basketball and sometimes baseball. So can’t come up with any good comments. Ha.
School sometimes leaves me speechless, too.
Grandson #1 is on his high school wrestling team. He lettered! It's a great sport for smaller-framed guys.
He turns 16 today. Where did the time go?
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