This first week of the new year I have tried to be a bit better about managing my life. I kept up with my task tracker - for the most part. It probably needs some tweaking, but it is what it is right now. After only one week, I can't really tell much about my habits, but hopefully over the month, I can see where I need improvement or that it will encourage me to do better in certain areas. Well, that is the plan, anyway.
Exercise was one of the things I put on the task list. I wrote down cardio and strength exercise separately - as if to do one or the other or both. Did I actually exercise this week? Well, not really. I did some yoga stretches one day. And I did some construction work on the man cave/pottery room. Maybe that is not really exercise, but I was sore from lifting and bending, so I counted it as exercise. Part of my excuse was that it was pretty darn cold earlier this week - it even snowed some. If you count lifting and moving the chicken tractor to feed the chickens or carrying the bucket of feed down to the horses, I could put down more exercise. If I count carrying loads of firewood, then I exercised much more than what is shown. Technically, I did very little exercise, as the world calls it.
Also on my task tracker is blogging and Wix, my website. I did try to check on my blog daily. Having data is helpful, which renewed on the 4th of the month. I did look at my Wix account - website. It needs serious tweaking, but I just cannot seem to make myself do it. I need serious internet for what needs to be done there. I may have to go sit at the coffee shop and steal some wifi to work on my website. I'm not sure why the lack of internet/data is such a deterrent to my blogging, but it is. I feel stifled and limited.
On my task tracker, I also put down "food log" because according to the Naturally Slim diet that I have been on, keeping track of your eating is helpful in losing weight. Although I managed to log my food intake for the week, I did not lose weight. Sigh. Losing weight is not so simple. It is a multi-task thang, which brings me back to the task tracker. I need to drink my water, exercise, food log, etc. Eat less and move more. It all has to be done in order for me to get healthier and so far, I am not doing it all - I can see that on my tracker, but I knew it!
Art is also on my list. And I did do more painting this week, plus some art room organization. I read an article on making your art room more comfortable so that you want to spend more time there. I am working on that. If I could just paint from my recliner...
Household chores are also on my list. Ha!
This task tracker thang is supposed to be encouraging. I do already know that I don't exercise enough and that I need to eat less to lose weight. And I do know that to be more of a professional artist, I need to be professional about painting. Supposedly seeing it on paper in line-form is encouraging or discouraging maybe. So, I will keep at it for a while. It is like growing out my bangs - what a pain in the butt. My bangs still need fixin' everyday - just like when they were short. They often hang in my eyes and need to be pinned up. Although they are long enough to be pinned back or braided, I'm not sure if I even look good without bangs. But I'm gonna grow these silly bangs out totally! The whole enchilada! Then I will know if I like or dislike them. The same as this task tracker. If I don't follow through with it for a while, how can I know if it is encouraging? The old "follow thru" just ain't what she used to be.
By the way, today is Toby's birthday. We had the family over yesterday for pork roast, potato salad, cole slaw, beans and some pound cake. No wonder I did not lose weight! The GGs were sick and stayed home, but the boys were here along with Bo and Jes. The day was warm and sunny, but a bit windy. Toby ran the boys around on the four-wheeler and did the farm chores with them. They love being here and it was a good time. Happy birthday, Toby!
Happy New Year! Can you tell me what task tracker you are using? Is it an app? I was wearing a fitness watch and tracking my food through myfitnesspal. It didn't matter how much exercise I did, it said I was going to keep gaining weight, so I kept doubling my exercise and it got to the point of burnout. So I quit everything, and the watch irritated my skin, so I quit wearing it! Today is my first day to start exercising again. I got up early, then fell back asleep!
Our insurance, Aetna, provided a free dietician to speak to and she gave me lots of good info. Unfortunately, we changed insurance this month, so I don't get to speak to her anymore. Maybe your insurance has the same arrangement.
Happy Birthday to Toby, although I have not met him!
Happy belated birthday to Toby!! Woohoo!
I think my lack of ambition has rubbed off on you. I will try to get busy. (Tee hee)
They slow our data down but don’t charge any more. I wrote them and told them that it isn’t any slower than usual as they have oversold the satellite. Sometimes, most times, in the evening there isn’t enough power to run speedtest to check. That is the bad part of living in the boonies, well that and phone service. Plus it is expensive.
I love the painting. You know I would of the houses. I’m smiling…..
Jo, It seems in this day and age, everyone should have good internet and have it at a reasonable price. Just sayin'. Rant, rant, rant.
If my art was just as prolific as my ranting...
"Supposedly" our congress is working on this. We hear in Ted Cruz stuff. Fingers crossed. On the other hand, I wouldn't hold your breath.
Looking forward to your next pastel!
Jo, I was thinking about a pastel...
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