Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Lazy Funk

Once again I must apologize for not answering comments and blogging in a timely manner. I've been reading.  Ha! Is that an excuse or what! I have done a little pottery and a little watercolor, but for some reason, I just want to curl up in my recliner with my Ecuador blanket and read. Since no one is going to come visiting, I haven't cleaned house much. Other people tell me that they are taking this time to clean and go through their closets, etc. Not me. Lazy is the key word here.

Today, I am trying to get out of my funk. If it is a funk. I took a shower, washed my hair, gave my self a bit of a pedicure, had some breakfast, and here I am on the computer typing away - all before 9:30.  The sun is out today and that helps too.  It is suppose to warm up, but not be hot. It was not the cold weather that had me funky. The truth is that I like curling up with my blanket and reading. I think I was just trying to get as much of that in before it gets too hot for a blanket. Silly, huh!

On Saturday, we went to WF to see Toby's mom through the glass door at the nursing home. It was her 90th birthday. We went with posters to wave to her and gifts to give through the nurses at the main door.  She seemed to be doing well. Later we stopped by Jesse's to have supper with her and her man-friend. It was a good time.

While we were in WF, we went to Lowes to pick up a window that we had ordered for the man cave/pottery room. I was amazed at how many people were there.  I worked at staying 6 feet away from folks just so that nobody freaked out. I don't think people are very conscious of what 6 feet is. The really crazy part was the nursery had no plants. NONE. So you can buy paint and paint your house, but you can't buy plants to set out or start a garden. Who makes these rules up?  We drove past a shopping center where all the stores were closed except for Academy. We didn't stop, but Toby said that they will sell certain things, but not other things in the store. Good Grief! Once you are in the store, what difference does it make what you buy? Here in Duncan you can buy plants. The lady at the nursery here said that a lady came over from Wichita Falls and bought $300 worth of plants. Yet, WF is more lax on their grocery store rules. Go figure.

Actually who can figure this all out?  People are making rules willy-nilly. And some of those people have no right according to the law to make those kinds of rules.  Legislatures make laws. I did see where the Texas governor was ready to get back to normal with sanitary rules and such. Yes! It is time to stop the madness. There is a dentist in Duncan who seems to have been the first case of Covid-19 here in town. As far as they can tell, he did not infect anyone at his dental office or any patients, because he practices good sanitary habits. It can be done.

Okay, I will get off my rant box. Here is a watercolor that I have been working on, but still need to touch up. I need to be doing more art. It is done on 12x16 watercolor board, which I bought last summer for the Paint Out in NM. I don't usually use board, but I thought I would try it out. I may do the whole thing over again when I'm not so funky feeling.


Jo Castillo said...

I’m with you funky lady. We have been doing the same around here. I saw a few women that had a fender bender at Walmart the day after Bastrop asked everyone to wear masks. They were screaming at each other and would pull the masks down so they could scream louder and get their spittle on each other. Ha. I parked nearby before I heard the yelling, then decided to move before the police came so wouldn’t be locked in. Jeepers.

If I didn’t belong to wet canvas and feel obligated to post I wouldn’t be doing any art.

Happy you got to Wichita Falls. Hugs.

Oh, and you answered my comments pretty quickly. :-)

Etienne said...

Man-Friend... hmm, I think if they are shacked-up, they might have taken it to the next level :-)

Snow pictures are out... No more snow pictures until December!

Bag Blog said...

The fight at Walmart sounds pretty crazy. It's best to stay more than six feet away from those sorts of people.

I call Jesse's friend man friend because he is not a kid. He is a grown-up. So it seems silly to call him a boyfriend. Besides, they are getting to know each other and boyfriend sounds wrong at this point. Although the world thinks nothing of "shacking up" that is not the case here. Jesse invited us all to dinner at her house to get to know each other better, which is difficult in these days of isolation.

Etienne said...

My old 60's lingo was bursting to get out for a tease.