Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Anniversary Weekend

June 27th, last weekend, was our 43rd anniversary.  Toby had planned vacation time for the Friday and Monday. Since I still have him home every day, all day long, this was not much different from the rest of our week. But for Toby, it was different. He has been working from home, but he did not have to work at all. 

In our usual Tobylou style, we did not plan ahead of time for how we were going to celebrate 43 years. We did get the Casita (the Egg) ready for camping, but we had no idea where we would go.  We thought about going to Lake of the Arbuckles or possibly Lake Elmer Thomas Recreational Area on Ft. Sill in the Wichita Mountains.  LETRA was full, and it had been our first choice. Arbuckles was more of an unknown for us. When we went to borrow kayaks from our neighbors, they told us that sometimes they camp out at Duncan Lake and that it was really nice. Since we were so wishy washy and had not planned well and we were supposed to be quarantining, we decided on Duncan Lake - about 5 miles from home. It actually worked out great. We could come home and feed animals and get all the stuff we forgot to take - like sunscreen.

The kayaks were fun, but tiring.  We have a double seat kayak that we bought years ago, but we sort of gave it to the neighbors mentioned above. They have small children and needed a kayak for hauling small kids. They wanted to buy our kayak, but we told them they could have it with the understanding that we might still want to borrow it now and then.  Eventually, they bought several more single kayaks for older kids and for kayaking individually. It was the individual kayaks that we borrowed. The wind was up the entire weekend making kayaking a little more difficult, but we went out a couple of times. Once, we went out in the early morning hours. It was beautiful and pleasant. Toby decided he wanted to try fishing (go figure!) so we went home and got fishing stuff and a fishing license (online). I decided to paint while Toby fished (taking a page from Gene and Jo). We went back out onto the lake later that evening. The wind was up and the waves were higher. Of course, Toby wanted to go across the lake (it is not a huge lake) but it was into the wind. He fished and I painted. It really was nice, but the waves rocking the boat made painting difficult. I definitely got the Impressionistic style with the rocking boat.

We had a good time. The Egg is very comfortable, but tiny.  We have reclining-type chairs that we sat outside and spent time reading and watching people.  Duncan Lake has horse trails, so lots of cowboys show up with their horses.  But you can only have so much fun, and we came home on Sunday morning. Our arms were too tired from kayaking to do any more.  Monday, Toby did lots of work around the Lazy B. I was just lazy.

Tuesday I had CTAC meetings all day - board meeting as well as several committee meetings. Today, Wednesday, is actually two weeks since Toby was exposed to Covid19. We have had no sick feelings - all is well with us. I felt that going to the meetings was okay. I sat far away from everyone and had my mask. Having several meetings in a row always fries my brain. By the time all is said and done, I can't remember what the meetings were about. 

Speaking of memory :) I have been reading older books on my Kindle. I can remember parts of them, but for the most part, it is like reading new books - ha! 


Douglas said...

Hi Lou, this is Douglas (Magus) from the old Rolling hot blog. Impressed you're still plugging away here!

Bag Blog said...

Yep, still bloggin' although I have had my moments of wanting to shut 'er down. As you can see, my life is fairly dull, but I would love to hear about your life these days.

Jo Castillo said...

Your casita is so cute. Looks like you were comfortable. You did well for your weekend. Happy Anniversary!

The watercolors look very watery. Great jog, like sketching in the car when it is moving. :-)

Your meetings seem like, well, meetings. The Austin Pastel had a meeting by e-mail. I’m not doing any of it until they go live again. Not looking like any time soon in Austin. They are having an internet show in October. If they do it on their website I might paint for it but if they do Facebook, I won’t. Sigh…

Thanks for the visit on my blog. Take care.

Bag Blog said...

Painting while moving is interesting. Every now and then, I had to stop and paddle back to where I could see Toby. The waves kept moving me farther and farther away.

We do have real meetings at the CTAC and we are planning on having our kid's workshop this summer. Not many people are meeting unless it is virtual. I don't know if we are doing right or not, but I'm game for anything.

Jo Castillo said...

I think it is fantastic that you are having meetings. It is more dangerous to drive as long as you take care. Of course we should always be washing hands and surfaces, virus or not. Pretty soon folks won't have antibodies for anything and will die from a paper cut. Sigh....

Bag Blog said...

Jo, between washing my hands and using sanitizer and doing art, my hands may dry up and fall off.

Jo Castillo said...

It sure feels that way. Gene says he’s washed his hands more in these few months than his whole life.