Last week was my CTAC board meeting and a committee meeting on the same day. The meetings wear me out. I really do like the people on the board and the committee. They are good people. I think it is possible to like people without liking their dog. Even for a small town in OK, that you would think would be very conservative, you still find some people with left leaning views. Hey, it's what keeps the world going round. Most of the time I try to watch what I say. Actually, I think about how to say things without offending folks, but I am going to say what I think. Doesn't being over sixty give me that right :)
We kept Rosie, Jesse's chihuahua, last weekend. On Sunday we left her in the house and went to church. When I came home, I noticed buttery paw prints on the kitchen island. I had forgotten that the butter was out. Rosie can jump on a chair and then onto the island. She managed to get the plastic lid off the butter dish and ate a whole stick of butter. Good grief! What a butterball!
Most of our free time has been working out in the barn on the pottery room/man cave. We have it painted and most of the electrical work done. I am working on sanding and painting polyurethane on the trim boards. The gas man is coming on Friday to deliver a propane tank so that we can have heat and hot water in the room. The weather has been very nice for working outside or in the barn. I love fall weather, and I am really excited to get this room done.
On October 15th, I am suppose to be on Chisholm Trail Heritage Museum Trail Talks, which I think will be about 2 PM on Zoom. Trail Talks is an interview with different people, mostly artists, via Zoom. My Zoom skills are few and far between, but you can also catch Trail Talks on the Chisholm Trail Heritage Facebook page. I have watched several other artist buddies on TT, but I watch them after the fact on FB rather than Zoom. My little art student was on TT a few weeks ago. She did quite well. She also was the opening piano act for a CTAC Live Concert last week. She is very talented. We are both working on a portrait now. She is keeping me on my toes.
I am so happy with the fall weather. It has been beautiful here. Now I wish I had more umph and less procrastination. Like with this blog, I need to do better with regular posts and keep up with comments. I need to be doing more painting and framing. One of my favorite movies is "El Diablo" with Lou Gossett Jr. and Anthony Green. My kids and I quote that movie all the time. At one point the hero, who is trying to rescue the pretty girl from El Diablo, demands to know where she is. El Diablo acts as if he cannot remember and sighs and says, "So many towns, so many pretty girls.." That's how I feel - So many things I need to do, so many things I want to do..
I did not know about this place. I will have to go there. Of course, I will have to watch you on Trail Talks!
So funny about Rosie. I loved the picture of your dogs and the other chihuahua. Now I have dachshunds but if I ever get dogs again, I think I would like a chihuahua.
Chihuahuas are great little dogs, but can be kind of yappy. The one we dog-sat was not yappy at all. He was so tiny, though. Jesse has started an Instagram page called She posts artsy pics of her dog. You would like the Chisholm Trail Heritage Center. It is interactive - maybe a bit silly. Kids love it. It has a great art gallery though. Maybe next time you come thru, we will go to the museum.
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