Saturday, February 20, 2021

Winter Weather

 The weather is finally warming up. I got out yesterday and went to Walmart and to see Lindsay's babies. The babies were definitely the best part of the day.  The snow is still deep and only the main roads were clear. Walmart parking lot was a mess. 

Today I am in town again sitting at Viridian coffee to sell raffle tickets for CTAC. I hate selling raffle tickets. Hate it. 

Throughout this winter storm we have been toasty warm with our wood stove at home.  We never lost power or water, but the water has no pressure. Until this snow thaws, it will be difficult to tell what is going on with the waterlines. I have enjoyed the snow and the down time with Toby home. Halliburton actually closed down for a few days, but now it is the weekend, and he is working. It's the way of things.

A friend of mine asked me to do a painting for her. You know how I like commissions. I don't like them. But this one doesn't seem so bad at this point. My friend had a house on Hilton Head Island and a beautiful view. It is the view that she wants me to paint. She gave me several photos of the sunset on the water with the causeway making a silhouette.  I decided to do it in oils in order to get the great blend of the sunset and water. I'll show pictures when I get a little more done. 

Not much else is happening. February is speeding by, which is a good thing. February is not my favorite month. My hair is driving me crazy, but Toby said not to cut it until after February. I get a little crazy in the winter. 


Jo Castillo said...

We haven’t been out and about yet. It was a gorgeous day and we sat in the car and listened on the radio to the UTBaseball team playing in Arlington at the Texas Ranger stadium. We even had to roll the windows down, car warm from the sun. Happy the freeze is over for a while. Still boiling water.

I learned in selling stuff for organizations that the worst thing someone can say is “No” so just grin and bear it as they say. I have never had anyone get angry at me …guess there could be a first time. ha.

Looking forward to the sunset picture. That is a beautiful area.

Bag Blog said...

I guess I will have to grin and bear it. I don't mind people saying no. I just hating putting my friends on the spot.

The weather turned downright beautiful yesterday and suppose to be even better today. I doubt winter is over yet, but I will take cold weather over freezing.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you weathered the storm. Yes, we had an 80 degree temperature change in a week here in the Fort Worth area! What is being raffled off?