Monday, February 07, 2022


 Last week was a little stressful with all that I needed to get done. The snow days were helpful. I did get my large commission piece done. Every time I do a commission, I tell myself that is the last commission I am going to do. They take up lots of time and are not really what I want to be doing. Then there is the stress of pleasing the person who commissioned the artwork. At Christmas I did a painting of a bridal bouquet for a lady. I saw her last week, and she said her daughter-in-law loved it. Now, her daughter wants one too. Dang it. I did not commit. 

I did not get all the pottery done that I needed to do. I am trying to get some Valentine mugs done. The grandkids came out on Saturday and Sunday. It was fun, but it messed up my pottery time.  With the snow keeping everyone home and the illnesses going around, the kids had been stuck at home for a while. They needed some ranch time. Toby smoked ribs and made a big pot of beans. I added some potato salad to feed the whole bunch. They wore us out. They wore the dog out!

Today I am going to have a little painting class with little girls. Youth Art Month is coming up in March and I want to the girls to have some artwork to enter in the show at CTAC. I have my art appreciation class pretty well planned out for this week, but I still feel very behind on pottery. It may not get done before Valentine's Day. I may have several heart cups for sale. Surely people will buy heart cups even if it is past VD. 

I need to get a move on. I am already behind today.


Jo Castillo said...

I feel your urgency. I have about a 2 inch pile of papers on my desk to get through. Insurance, taxes, etc. Taxes should be short form as only one sale in 2021 so no long form for business. Yay!
Wishing you the best. I bet your students love you for watching out for them. Applause.

Bag Blog said...

Gosh, Jo, if I had to do taxes, my eyes would roll back in my head and I would keel over.