Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Catching Up

 School was canceled today, which did not affect me since I only teach on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The snowstorm did not really hit until late this afternoon and will for sure carry over to tomorrow. Sure enough, they canceled school for tomorrow too. I'm good with that, although I am really enjoying the kids.

I have felt a bit overwhelmed with a 3' x 4' commission painting for my cousin. Of course, I procrastinated and didn't get started when I should have. Then I miscalculated the difficulty of the painting. It has taken me a while to get it done. The coffee shop where I sell my cups needed more cups, so I had to put off painting and work on cups. Plus, I was having to work on classroom stuff. I'm glad that I get a Thursday off to catch up. Today I finished the commission piece. What a great feeling! Maybe tomorrow I will brave the weather out to the barn and get some pottery done.

One of our old mares went down earlier this week. She was about 30 years old and had lived a good life. But this fall, she started looking really poor. We knew she would probably not make it through the winter. Although we didn't have much to do with the horses other than to feed them, it still makes me sad to lose an animal. I remember breaking her and riding her from time to time. She was "athletic" to say the least. Now, there is just one old mare in the pasture, and she seems rather lonely.

One of the old chickens died, too. Hallelujah! 


Jo Castillo said...

It was pretty cold here, too. We were lucky with no outages. And not to have to work is our everyday. Ha. Anxious to see your painting after you deliver it. Great accomplishment for you to finish a huge painting. Applause.

Animals are so special. No matter. I do love horses and hated losing the ones I rode.


Bag Blog said...

I need to send you a pic of the finished bird painting that I did for my cousin. The birds were fun to paint, but I am still not a big fan of birds. We lost a couple of chickens lately, and I don't seem to be upset about it :)

Jo Castillo said...

I think I missed this answer. I’m sure not fond of birds or chickens but like you say they are fun to paint. I never liked taking care of the chickens and chicken pens. We are definitely related. Ha. (Although I don’t even like to eat chicken .. I will eat it if it is offered as the meal at someone’s house and enjoy it. But I don’t like to fix it or think about it too much.)