Sunday, February 20, 2022

I'm Good

 You know the old saying, "Busier than a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest?" Well, that would be me. Every time I think I have caught up on everything, I get myself into something else and get behind again. In fact, I don't really have time to be blogging, but I am tired of working on other stuff and need a break. 

My cousin, Connie, called today to say that the wife of our cousin (who died several years ago) had died, and the funeral is Tuesday, and she asked if I wanted to go with her. I do want to go with her, because Connie is so much fun to be with. It would be a nice thing to do - support the cousins. The truth is that I have not seen this person (the cousin's wife) since I don't know when. The daughter, my second cousin, I don't know very well at all. Still, I would go to be with Connie and to do the right thang. But then Tuesday is the day I teach. After class I am supposed to take art down to Viridian Coffee and hang it for the month. Before I take the art, I need to put hangers on the back of several of the pieces, touch them up, and get them ready. Possibly I could get that done tomorrow, but I had planned on working on class stuff tomorrow (Monday). Then on Wednesday, I have CTAC meetings. Did I mention that CTAC has children's art coming in and needs to be hung this week? March is Youth art Month and the gallery will be loaded with kid's art. That was one of the reasons that I had a little paint class with the homeschool kids last week. Today I matted several drawings that my grandkids did, so that I could take them to the CTAC gallery. Jeeze Louise! How did I get myself into all of this?

So, I told Connie that I could not go to the funeral. I matted kid's art. I boxed ceramic pieces to ship tomorrow. I did some class work and answered some emails. I need to look at and grade some class work, but I need my brain to engage before I do that. I need to chill a bit. And I am hungry.

But like the donkey that I am, I keep on plodding. It will all work out. Or it won't. I'm good with that.


Jo Castillo said...

Oh, my! Hopefully it will all work out. Your students should love you. The artists should be more than glad to have your help. Good for you for getting some art out in the world, too.

Maybe they will have some of the kids art in the newsletter.

Hang in there. Have some nourishing food.

Hugs, from down south.

Bag Blog said...

I got the paintings touched up and wired. I got my school stuff all done except for what I could put off till later. Then I loaded up my car with paintings and took off forgetting my school stuff. The good news is that bad weather rolled in and things will shut down. Now I won't have to go to CTAC meetings until next week. Yay!