Friday, March 11, 2022

 On Thursday I gave my midterm in my art appreciation class. I graded it, and put it in the grade book. Spring break could begin! 

I hung out in Duncan, having coffee with a friend and later a salad at Viridian. Then I went to OKC with several ladies to go to the Skirvin Hotel where La Quincey Reed is the resident artist and they were have a reception for him. He is sculptor who works in bronz and has shown his work at CTAC and also at the Heritage Museum in Duncan.  It started off with just two of us wanting to go to the reception. Then a third lady wanted to join us - no problema. Then a fourth lady wanted to go - still no problem. Then the fourth lady wanted to drive - Okay. Then the fourth lady brought another lady - okay problem. Now there would be five ladies in a small car. I know gas prices are high, but I almost threw a fit and took my own car. I didn't want to rock the boat, but maybe I should have. I had to sit my big bottom sideways to make room for two other ladies in the backseat, one of which had to ride the hump in the middle. I just felt like as an old lady, I shouldn't have to do that. Then one of the ladies had on a strong, sweet perfume. I was puky by the time we got to OKC, and I was mift. I got better. I did have fun. But then there was still the ride home. I really liked the ladies and had a fun time at the reception, but when I got home feeling puky and with a headache, I was worn out.

On a lighter note I want to tell you about the best birthday gift. When my older brother made his birthday call to me, we talked for almost an hour. He said that I should come down and visit them at their lake home in Weatherford, TX, in April - that there were penguins that came every year to the lake. My eyebrow went up, and I thought, "Penguins?" He continued talking about them being rather large birds. I thought, "How do they get there?" He continued to talk about how cool they were. I thought, "Do penguins fly? Does someone bring them?" He said they usually nest on the far side of the lake. I thought, "Penguin nests?" Then he said that the pelicans were really cool! I thought, "Aha!" and I said, "You know that you have been saying penguins. My brother burst out laughing as did I. We laughed and laughed. Having my brother be so silly and laugh so hard - it was the best birthday gift. Later when my sister made her birthday call, she talked for probably two hours, but she could not beat the penguin story.


Jo Castillo said...

Ha. Loved both stories. Well, the OKC trip sounds like our ride to the Arctic Circle when we went to Alaska. :-)

The pelicans have shown up to our ponds twice the first time there were hundreds of them. Maybe we will see them this year again. I wish you had seen the penguins!

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard about the penguins!


bag blog said...

I would love to see the pelicans or penguins. Either would be interesting.

I am still laughing, too!