Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Fessin up

The last few days I have received several "thank yous" from different family members for my part in the family reunion. The truth is that I did not do very much. I just took suggestions and passed them on to others. Heating up an already cooked roast was not very difficult. Everyone cooked something to add to the meal. Everyone pitched in and made things easy. The margaritas were probably a big help in keeping everyone happy. I want to thank all of my family for doing such a great job and just having fun.

Also, in my last posting, I said that my grand-daughter would take the "cutest baby award" hands down. That was just a partial grandmother speaking. My cousin's three babies were very cute. People were fighting over who would hold the baby. Caleb was especially cute with his very serious face, but it was Hannah who stold the show. When her aunt gave her a little tutu and princess crown, you would have thought Hannah was a prima ballarina. It was highly entertaining to watch Nanny's great- great- grandchildren play together in the mountains.

Yesterday was back to business as usual. After doing a lot of laundry, a trip to Wal Mart, and a visit with my buddy, Patty, I headed out to the new house. It was still there, and it still needed lots of work. I better get busy this morning.

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