Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Years ago when I was teaching jr. high students in Taos, NM, I attended a departmental meeting at the high school. The head of our department had called the meeting to write up a contract for parents to sign if they did not want their children watching certain movies at school. As it turns out there had been a case in Albuquerque where a teacher wanted to show a movie in the classroom that some parents objected to their children watching. The parents were able to stop the teacher from showing the movie. The head of our English department wanted to make sure this did not happen in Taos. This teacher liked to show lots of movies and have the kids write about the movies (you should start questioning her ability to teach). Some of the movies were rated R, and in the past she had not gotten parental authority to show these movie to underage kids (hmmm). In fact, she did not want parents having any input on what she taught.

Maybe this lady thought that the department would just agree with her and write up a contract to be used when showing questionable movies. They probably would have, but I would not. I questioned the whole thing and said I thought parental involvement was a good thing. She said she did not want "Fundamentalist groups telling her what she could teach." I pointed out that her one-sided view was very like the fundamentalists in itself. She became upset, and we did not write anything that day.

That was close to 15 years ago. Back then I began to see that all teachers have their agendas whether they are Christians or not. All teachers will push their opinions and views on your children. That means that teachers who are pro-gay, pro-abortion, pro-atheists, pro-Christians, evolutionists, creationists, Republicans, or Democrats will all influence your children in a public school situation. Of course, I think parents have a strong part in that, but I am saying that there will be those other influences too.

Recently, I have read several articles on colleges across the USA that are pushing their agendas onto future teachers – even giving low grades, failing, or expelling students who do not agree with their (liberal) ideology. It amazes me that these people cannot see that their lack of tolerance for other’s (more conservative) ideas is a violation to people’s rights. In their zest to have teachers who are tolerant of multicultural and human diversities, they become intolerant to a large part of the population. More and more accreditation organizations and colleges are forcing their views onto teachers. More and more teachers follow and teach these views. Isn’t that socialism?

When we started homeschooling years ago, people would ask, "What about socialization?" I would answer, "You are right; that is a big problem in the public schools and one of the reasons we chose to homeschool."

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