Friday, October 27, 2006

Painting of the Week

This a painting of the Arno in Florence. I had been wanting to paint this picture for a while now. It is 15"x22". It really did take me all week to complete. Now, I will let it set for several days and take another look at it to see if it needs some tweaking.

We woke up to howling wind this morning. The weatherman predicted that it would blow yesterday, but he was wrong. It is today. It reminded me of another camping trip when a cold front blew in during the night. Our tent went from side to side and up and down. The wind howled and the tent flapped. It made for a rough night of sleeping. Toby and I snuggled under our Eddie Bauer goosedown comforter in our tent. We were plenty warm, but the sound was scary. The next morning Toby looked at me and said, "I dreamed I was a flag."

This morning we made a pact. If the wind is howling this evening, we will head to the Motel 6. Some campers we are!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If the wind is howling this evening, we will head to the Motel 6. Some campers we are!

Sensible campers, you are!! And the painting is beautiful!

It's been terribly windy SW of you...Thursday we had steady winds of 35 mph, gusting to 50. Yesterday was a lil bit better, i.e., steady mid-20s gusting to mid-30s. I don't think you could have pitched a tent Thursday, let alone have slept in it were you here! :-)