Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bess' New Car

My GBN1 refers to herself in the third person as "Bess" which is quite funny since we all call her Elizabeth or Lizzie. All of her speech is more like Japanese, but some things are quite clear.

Having aquired this Cozy Coupe from a friend, I told GBN1 that I had a new car for her (it is actually a used car). I am sure she did not understand until she saw the car. Her daddy pushed her across the rough pasture out to the barn with her laughing all the way. It was rather a wild ride. Once on the concrete slab, we were able to sling her around and send her sailing across the floor of the barn much like a carnival ride. She loved it and could not take time to see the horses. She did not want to pet the horses much less set on one. She told the horses,"Bye-bye. Go ride Bess' new car"


inpassing said...

She's quite the little character. Thanks for the pic. It gave Nana a good smile this morning.

Buck said...

How cool!

Did the car go home with her, or does it stay at GrandMa's house?

Bag Blog said...

It will be at "Booboo's" house - don't ask - I wanted to be called Mama Lou.

inpassing said...

Yes, but how many other grandkids will be calling out for "Crew Craw" or "Booboo" at Walmart?!?! You just don't hear those names everday.