Monday, February 26, 2007

Ill Weekend

Friday was a busy day. I hit the ground running and did not stop until the late afternoon. I drove to Lawton first thing and had Jesse's car serviced. This time the service man at Toyota was super nice. I was back in Duncan by 11:00 to help a friend decorate for her daughter's wedding. I got home about 4:00 with the beginnings of a funny tickle in my throat and a slight ache in my bones. Toby took Jesse and I out to dinner. Jesse has been so busy lately, that we do not have many outings with her. It was a real treat. But before the evening was over, I was not feeling well. I woke up Saturday with a sore throat and fever. After taking some over-the-counter drugs, I felt well enough to make it to wedding. I had several duties at the wedding and did not want to let my friend down. It may have been a big mistake, because it really wore me out. We stayed at the wedding until the last guest was gone and helped clean up. I went home and crashed. The rest of the weekend and most of Monday, I ran a low fever and felt like I had been hit by a truck. Monday afternoon, a neighbor came by to say that our horses had escaped and were down the road. Great. The good news was that Toby was off today, so he was here to help me round up the horses. Somewhere during the excitement, my fever broke. We penned up the horses with not too many problems considering horses are like little kids doing everything wrong. When I got home, I slept for a few hours and woke up feeling much better. I finally had the strength to post something even if my weekend was not very exciting.


Anonymous said...

What a weekend for you to be sick, Lou. I hope you'll be able to take it easy for a few days now. I guessed you were busy, but not ill as well!

Buck said...

Wow. Busy while sick. NOT a good combination, at all. I'm glad it was over quickly. Those long, lingering, "Will I EVER get over this?" bugs are really the pits!

Laurie said...

Glad you are feeling better now!